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First Time At A Hookah Bar

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so i was at this little work party the other nite, and a friend of mine is like, hey, do you guys want to go to Swing State? I had no idea what this one, so she says those 4 beautiful words. "It's A Hookah Bar"

blink.gif ...a what?
A hookah bar she says

there is a hookah bar which is less than 10 minutes from work!!!!!!!

so we went, and it actually was a pretty nice place. not classy and hoighty toighty, very low key, friendly, young crowd. they don't have any big name shishas, and it was obvious i knew the most there about hookahs * from who i talked to at least.

Hookahs are 8$, after that new bowls are 5$ and most drinks are a buck.

they do alot of local bands there, so the crowds differ from night to night aparrantly, last night it was pretty Emo/Punk, but the guy who takes care of the hookahs said that it's quiter on weekdays

alot of hot chicks there too, which is always a plus, so yeah, i fully intend on being a regular, because this is just what i need, another place to throw down 15 dollars a night. *sigh*
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