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Variation Among Af Brand

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I generally only smoke AF just for the fact that the local store here sells allot of it for a good price. Problem I have been having is with the AF double apple. When I make a bowl of pretty much anything AF i get nice clouds and cool smoke, but when i put in the double apple it is hell. The taste is great but there are no clouds and the smoke is harsh no matter what i do. I thought it was how I packed the bowl or set up the hookah but I put in another flavor right after the apple/apple and it smoked fine.

anyone else have this problem with the double apple?

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Looks authentic, and everything with packaging seemed fine. As far as fresh, the tobacco itself looks and smells like the smoke would be hella good. The tubs itself says use before 2 years or something like that and this flavor came into the shop acouple months ago. Dates fine. Maybe I am doing something wrong with the coals that works with the others but not with this. huh.gif
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Appreciate it guys, I let it sit and stirred it really good. Then i poked way smaller holes and it smoked perfect. not sure if it is just my batch or what but it does seen to burn a bit harsher than other AF. Still delicious though.

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