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Hi all,

quick question: I'm very interested in getting a km, doesn't really matter what kind, looking to spend less than $100, but before I commit to anything I was wondering if there is a way to convert a km purge valve into a second hose port like a couple of hookahs I've seen do. I'd like two hoses if at all possible.

Also, I'm currently looking at a km 'on the rocks' model with the ice chamber. Can you guys share any of your opinions or experiences as to whether or not it's a good buy? I hear km's a great but I'm wondering if that applies across the board.

Thanks for any help.
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on the rocks is a cool hookah, no problems with the ones i had. i dont think you can convert it, the purge valve diameter is tiny (compared to the hose port) and the pull would be compromised considerably. Edited by Scoop
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also, is there a differenct between a 'khalil mamoon' and a ' khalil mamoun'? the second one has the U in the name. this is where I noticed it at
-----------<bad link>------
wondering if it's a knockoff, a typo or another spelling.
*ok the link didn't work*
go to NOT ALLOWED --> hookah's---> khalil mamoun ---> the only km they have. wondering if it's legit.

another edit

every time I write 'pimp'+'your'+'hookah' dot com. It's blocked out and with 'not allowed'. any reason for this? Edited by fifthmanstanding
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As far as the spelling of KM goes, it's not a knock off, you could spot those a mile away from the quality. It's just a difference in how the spelling is done when translated to english. People report having a different spelling on their tray, hose, stem, base all at the same time.
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I've never seen a KM with more than a single hose, but honestly they aren't all that expensive. For very little more than the $100 you want to spend, you could buy two pipes or go with an MZ and definitely pick up two. Multi hoses work fine from everything I've been told, but aren't generally necessary until you've got like six people smoking and then it seems to me multiple pipes is a better choice anyway. I've had three smoking off one pipe and never a problem.

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