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Scalli Mod In Small Phunnel..

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the reason why your having barely any smoke is probaly b/c your doing the same thing i was doing...the shisha basically covers the tobbaco making have barely any air to go thorugh make it a tighter pull and weak smoke...i just dont use my scali mod any more it's too much work....but the bowl is KICK ASS
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What have you done brother? I use my mod on my small phunnel for every smoke since i got it (Except my 2 attempts at tangiers). And it works like a charm. You are going to have to give us details.
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Your probably packing it to much. Just add tobacco until the mod stops moving around and then put your finger on the mod and twist it to loosen up everything and then foil it. When you foil it shake the bowl like those things that they use in Mexican music and you should be fine.
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