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New Website Launched In Uk

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To all the Hookah or Shisha lovers out there, our new website in now launched in the UK
Check our stunning collection of colours and unique designs http://www.aladin-shisha.com/
All the Shishas are made in Egypt in our factory, we also provide all shisha accessories and soon our new nicotine free molasses will be on sale so watch our site for updates.

Aladin Shisha UK

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Interesting, although I do wonder whether you're quite "Number 1", as your website states, being so new and all. [edit -although I may have misread and this is a new website launch and not a new shop launch]

I couldn't find a tobacco in the 'categories' section of your website (although I may have missed it). Do you sell shisha tobacco and if not, do you plan to? If you are going to stock it, which brands are you going to sell? Edited by Ron Perlman
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To coin a phrase... there is nothing new under the sun.

And this does not offer anything new either by the look of it. The above nargile looks nice, massivly let down by that cheap ass nasty hose.
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the hookah above has more problems then the hose, the purge sucks, looks like the stem wont extend that far into the vase and it looks like the pull sucks based on how the hose port looks. the hookah looks small.
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