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Tangiers reviews

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Tonight I brought my hookah to a friends house for a party and introduced several people to the joys of hookah smoking. I was fortunate enough to have some Tangiers Peach. Move over Romman, there's a new peach in town.
A few words, this stuff looks rough. If you are used to the finely chopped Romman or AF, you're gonna look at this stuff and go "WTF, looks like whole leaves in there." and i think you would be right. What stems there are are thin and small and of no concequence. No nakhla logs. No fake red coloring here either friends, this is black sticky goodness. I hate to say it but it looks something like chewing tobacco...but I didn't get it to look at, I got it to smoke. And smoke it does.
The smell is peach. Plain and simple. Wanted to eat the stuff. It requires a lot less heat than any other brand I've tried. Probaly due to it not being diced and mashed and therefore a lot less dense overall. The flavour came on quickly and stayed strong through the 45 minutes we were able to sit out in the cold with my 4 hoses being passed among twice that number of people. It is a strong smoke and I even got a bit of a buzz off it when I started that quickly mellowed quite nicely.
Used natural bulk charcaol and had to resort to tin foil because I left my screen on the sink when I cleaned the hookah extra well prior to smoking this stuff as reccomended by Tangiers. I also followed his directions about letting it sit out for a few hours when I first transfered it to my tupperware containers.
Overall I'd say its perhaps not a smoke for the faint of heart, but it is a damn fine Ma'asell and I'd put it up against any other brand any day.
You folks should smell the Raspberry...
More reviews to come.
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Wow Mush. Great review! I guess you'd be better off not to do a nose-hit with beginners around.  Where did you find this stuff. As always, I'm a little scepticle of American brewed massell. Does it give off that weird, "Lucky-Strike" after taste like HH and Sultan? I may be in the market for some. Did you get apple too? Or do they have an apple?
MR Bubble
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well many people talks well about tangiers so i really hope its not anything like sultan or splash beacuse that was the most horrible stuff i ever smoked (exept my famous vodka/pickled herring flavour i once did)-just kidding
and much since your retailer didnt fixed that sara we once talked about mayby we could make a swap with the tangiers if you havent already bought the watermelon - my wife is some of a peach fan so if you wanna swap just pm me
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tangiers is also a new brand now? along with the starbuzz too??  curious about that watermelon?  best watermelon out there that i have tried by far is the fumari watermelon.  speaking of which, mush, check your PM box.......
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Have you had any problems with Tangiers being harsh? My bowls always start off great, then they start to get harsh. Not burning, just the feeling like you want to cough. If I try to take some heat off the harshness goes away but there is very little smoke.
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Its not really harsh so much as its...tobacco.
I it took me a while to get the heat going properly..for a while it was a little hard to inhale, great taste in the mouth by simply puffing, but couldn't get it into my lungs as easily. Once I got the heat leveled out it was back to my usual huffing and puffing.
 It could be the "harsh" and coughing was merely a heat problem? Could also tie back in with my assesment that this is a really flavourful tobacco, not necessarily a smoking candy.
  Lookign foreward to hearign from others...
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I just got it down perfectly I think it was a combination of not packing enough tobacco and too much heat. A friend and I just tried Kashmir Apple and it went great.Do you like this more "Tobaccoey" shisha compared to others, say Starbuzz? For me I guess it really depends on the mood I'm in.
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I think this is what makes Nakhla so appealing to me. As I always described my feelings for Nakhla: satisfying smoke that feels like you're smoking and not drowning in a big pot of kool-aid.
I think I would enjoy the Tangiers. That is if I get a feeling of authentic, raw Middle Eastern traditionalist smoking (although flavored massell isn't traditional) but you get the feeling. I just hope it isn't "faddish" with the weird names some of the flavors have.
MR Bubble
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Technical points:The tobacco (and the Tangiers Heads, if you are using them) are designed to retain heat better, so less charcoal is needed. I make it all myself (Beth, Deb and Roland pitch in, though! Hi guys!) Usually in packaging and cooking. The tobacco flavor is almost imperceptable if the tobacco is well-accustomed to the humidity. The tobacco flavor comes when the tobacco is used to a slightly damper weather. Once you get used to the less heat and packing it correctly, you will get even better results, I would guess. Nobody will ever know what the Kashmir flavor is...HAHAHAHAHAH! Mine, mine all mine! I'll give you a hint...its the fourth most used recreational drug in the world, with the psychoactive (and addictive) substances removed. It is sometimes coupled with the most used recreational drug in the world and is even made into a strange liquor sometimes. This is of course, from a report I read, you're reports may vary. My friend Sarah once said: "Kashmir Apple is the flavor that hookahs were designed for, before Kashmir Apple was ever invented."Of course, that was before Kashmir Peach was invented.
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Well tangiers, I have a real dumb question then: Should I be afraid to smoke the Kashmir series, being in defense aviation maintenance? This means I get selected for piss tests often. Are you sure there is nothing to worry about?
MR Bubble
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All of my components added to the tobacco are certified as FDA GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe). Something illegal and/or addictive would probably not be on there. Lets put it a different way, if its tested for, its "dangerous" which is not "safe" which couldn't be classified as GRAS (in my estimation). If you knew what Kashmir was in actuality, the next question would be: would they test for it? These opinions are not represented as facts and cannot be construed as a guarantee for any given outcome. You take all responsibility. No merchantability or warranty express or implied is intended. Some of the most potent drugs in the world aren't illegal and aren't tested for. The only reason they are banned is because they become popular with the poor in this country. Daturas are extremely potent, long-lasting and poisonous. They are true hallucinogens, unlike LSD, etc. which distort perceptual abilities. Never been very popular in this country and they grow like weeds in parts. Legal. Garden variety poppies...opium?...Legal. Morning Glories...LSA (relative of LSD)...legal. Etc. I have never heard of "Kashmir" being tested for and I've even taken my share of the "whiz quiz". Well what Kashmir really is, well whatever. Just blame the tobacco if there's a problem...its either a government or a union job...they'll believe anything.
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[quote name='Tangiers']Daturas are extremely potent, long-lasting and poisonous. They are true hallucinogens, unlike LSD, etc. which distort perceptual abilities. Never been very popular in this country and they grow like weeds in parts. Legal.  [/quote]A few years ago a friend's dad told us about Datura and how he and his friends stumbled upon it here in Arizona as teenagers. I never believed him but I guess it does exist, somewhere in the remote stretches of desert...
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Tangiers,I saw that you mentioned something about your own hookah heads that you make.  I am also definitaly interested in trying out your maassel as well(conetmplating the Kashmir peach :)).  Do you have a website that i could possibly check out. 
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PM me here.He's a long hair cat...I suspect she named him for my favorite flavor when we were going out. Plenty of hair though, as long as the brand doesn't sell too well.  Yes, that's a joke. Its a DAMN fine song by Led Zeppelin. They hired an entire orchestra to do the background. They grow everywhere here in SD, Jimson Weed is the most common form, from them (daturas) we get (as I understand it): drops to dilate your eyes, seasick pills, something to give people tripping on LSD (to stop bad trips) and antidote to nerve gas. Pretty cool, huh?No they are neither canniboid or opiate...they are in the class of chemicals called tropanes. Henbane, belladonna, monks-hood and potatoes are all in the same family (potato leaves and stems are poisonous). I think Lebanese Blonde has just discovered a clue!
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