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Tangiers reviews

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[quote name='Tangiers'][quote name='ZAP']Well... i'm indian and chai on it's own means tea[/quote]What kind of Indian? Feather or Dot? Chai is just a generic name for tea...I've always suspected it. I forgot...blackthorn is often described as a slightly tart plum flavor. Any more reviews, Mush-man?
[/quote]Huh?I mean like from the country India in Asia.  Not a red indian or anything Still not gotten any of this stuff!  I don't wan't to put myself in the same situation as before where I had kilos of surplus shisha which would take years to smoke, though it is tempting!
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[/QUOTE]Huh?I mean like from the country India in Asia.  Not a red indian or anything Still not gotten any of this stuff!  I don't wan't to put myself in the same situation as before where I had kilos of surplus shisha which would take years to smoke, though it is tempting![/QUOTE]
Cool, ZAP im in exactly the same boat as you lol. A Fellow indian with tooo much tobacco. Next up i will be ordering up some tangiers but that will be a long time away.
As im a muslim, (yes indians can be muslims :P), Eid will be next week, so will have the family over ! Two hookahs going on at the same time will be fun and im hoping we'll smoke up atleast half a kilo hehe (I have approximately 9 uncles and 9 aunties and some of them are grandparents so you can expect how many ppl will turn up hehe)
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Yeps eid next week.  Prolly going to have a couple of hookahs goin here too!  It's a shame a lot of people have college exams on eid day.  I don't think I do though fortunately as long as it's on tuesday.And check your PM Laher!
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[quote name='EsOva']Tangiers...i've read many great reviews on your tobacco...could you PM me your sizes and prices please! thanx in advancePS: im armenian and the word chai (in farsi) means plain tea, and ive noticed that at hookah bars they mention chai and earl grey like theyre both flavors...but as far as im concerned chai just means tea and earl grey is a "sort" of tea![/quote]Well, I wear a size 7 7/8 hat, my shoe size is 15, I wear XXXLT shirts and I'll go out on a date for $20, but need at least $25 for a kiss. I sell one size, by internet, 250g. If you come visit me in San Diego, you can also get half and full kilos which are really, really cheap. Visit the website Mushy mentioned.
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Yes Zap, I know...it was a joke that racist Americans use, between Indians and indians (Native Americans). The whole Christopher Columbus thing has us feeling very pratulent. It wasn't very funny, but I've never found racists very funny, kinda like a dentist screwing up a root-canal.Yes Laher, there are Muslims in India, its called Kashmir! Well something like that. Pakistan and East Pakistan (Bangladesh) exist for Muslims, though right?
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Some humidity effects rob tobacco of flavor (re: when I used to smoke the lovely Nahkla Double Apple). Try letting the Red Tea tobacco breathe by exposing it to the air where you will smoke it for several hours, see if that helps.
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Well i got my stuff in. and i ordered some tangier and asked George for some SAMPLES...but nooooo he just sends me 250 of those too. cant say enough abotu hookahcompany, but anyway  Ive got Raspberry, Kashmir Apple, Kashmir Peach, Blue Gum Ball and Cocoa to try out. I'm gonna crack em all open and start calling my friends for tonight! hopefully some reviews from me soon.
I also HAD to get a tub of afternine, Al Wahas chocolate mint this flavor is outstanding for those of you that havent tried it.
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Brings up the question:? Why don't you make more mixes of flavors, like Strawberry Kiwi?I let the individual user make their mixes. The only reason this came up is that the reference to after nine (a nice rip off of the famous chocolate, After Eight) and chocolate mint. Chocolate mint is by far the two most mixed flavors at the lounge.Most of my mixes are seasonal or temporary.
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ha ha  i had 50 grams of After Nine to start off with, and I bought 2 boxes of After Eight to eat while smoking it. the flavor is so intense while eating those things OH MAN. Been letting the raspberry and kashmir apple air out, about to fire up a bowl of that as soon as friends get here.
pretty humid here tho since it is Louisiana and it JUST rained
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If its real bad, let it air out for a whole day, if you can wait that long. Imagine you get your denim jacket wet. How long would it take to dry out...what could you do to make it dry out faster? Spread it out, turn it, don't seal it in a ziplock, etc.
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got it all sitting on the counter open now, the raspberry was nice not a whole whole lot of flavor but the smoke was awesome. Id prolly attribute that to the weather, it just sucked here today all around, but then i dont like intense raspberry anyway. My favorite pipe tobacco is really dark with just has a hint of raspberry. Deinfately some stout stuff tho. Me and a few of my friends usually dont get a buzz but we all did this time. Will prolly try the Kashmir apple when I get home from dinner.
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Tangiers: I ordered from you 2 months ago and got the flavor "cooling". Both me and my roomate smoked it several times in several diffferent ways, your tobacco smoked well, but didnt taste like anything unfortunately to either of us. I was kind of disapointed as i was expecting a mint or something (which i really should have ordered in the first place.) What is your personal favorite of your flavors, and would you stand by the quality of any of your peach/mint/licorice. The peach review has made me hopeful and willing to try again. Is there any other flavor of yours you'd HIGHLY recoomend for taste?
I am not a novice smoker either and have tried and smoked quite alot of tobacco. fumari, HH, romman, and fahker being my favorites.
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Mint is good, cooling flavor is actually not supposed to have a "flavor" other than a cooling feeling in the back of your throat. I made it for people who want something low-key to blow smoke around with. Kinda an unflavored tobacco. What flavors do you like?5 page thread, cool, huh Mushy?
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i am a [b]huge[/b] licorice, mint, and cola fan (tried these flavors with almost every brand out there) and i also enjoy alot of the fruity stuff.
I'll try cooling again tonight and see if i can get what your talking about, the lack of flavor kinda threw me off when i tried it.
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Wow, perfect timing for post #400!I love cola flavor too. Most people cant stand nahkla cola, but I love it. I've been working on flavor #67, cola,  for five months or so. My mint and liquorice are real good, I like them, but I've never liked any other company's licorice or mint flavors. I tried a Saudi brand once...its was very good, but too strong.
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hey tangiers, this airing out thing, is that what you recommend someone does with your tobacco before every bowl? let it air out for an hr or so? or is that just a troubleshooting problem if it isn't hitting how it should be?
ok, don't mean tos tart a huge debate but what is the difference between KASHMIR peach or apple and just normal peach or apple?  Is that what that whole guesssing of the ingredient was?
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