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A first for hookah culture in Saskatoon!

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The local head shop has just started selling hookahs and SOEX.  I have only heard rumors from people but all of them are in the know when it comes to that store.  The only problem I see with that is that Saskatoon will be overrun with potheads with hookahs.
A guy I know dropped off some SOEX watermellon so i will have to start getting some reviews done up.
Sooner or later I'll stop off at the shop and check it out for myself.
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i can understand why he dropped off the soex-mmm its like a party in my mouth and everybody throwing upjust kidding everybody got different taste but the stuff i tried was so discusting or as i think one guy once wrote ..it taste like a forest fire.. sad to hear about the headshop but if the potheads are stupid enough to smoke weed in a hookah theres not much to do hmm or mayby its time to smoke masell in a bong that would confuse the cops
take care soup
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[quote name='iheartvarg1']how the hell do you make tobacco-free tobacco anyway??? what the hell do they put in it?[/quote]
It looks like grass clippings....NOT KIDDING!!!
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Woah. Hookah Forum members. I be the guy that ended up with some SOEX. w00t. Now really. It doesn't look like grass clippings, although there are some parts of this that look like grass. Taste wise, It's not too shabby, but very light in flavor. Not bad mind you, but light. It hookies like sh*t, which makes tossing a bowl a bitch. *Woe is us* And the smoke is still rather thick. Like Soup said though. It would do in a pinch if you ran out of stuff to smoke, and live in a stupid little town like we do, and must wait at least a week for a shipment to come in... Indeed. Well, just my thoughts. Compared to regular tobacco, I am sad to say that I give SOEX a 6 out of 10, just based on the fact that I could make that stuff from the mulchings in my lawn mower. Mumbai? Please.
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Saskatoon is a city in Canada.  To find it on a map...look in the middle of the big rectangular province. 
Here are some facts about Sakatoon from the city's website: [url="http://www.city.saskatoon.sk.ca/org/quick_facts/index.asp"]http://www.city.saskatoon.sk.ca/org/quick_...facts/index.asp[/url]
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[quote name='Tangiers']What's a saskatoon? Is that one of those brass things in an old western bar?[/quote]Sorry, I forgot to qualify that question...Aren't all the provinces rectangular?What are the provinces of Canada, anyways? I can come up with (spelling notwithstanding) BC, Alberta, Saskatchewon, Mannitoba, Ontario, New Brunswick, Quebec...is Franklin, Keewatin and Mackenzie provinces or what? Did they rename them?
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No, (poon)Tang, all the provinces are not rectangular.  As for the provinces of Franklin, Keewatin, and Mackenzie...are you sure thats ma'assell in your hookah?  For the forum's enjoyment, here is a map of canada.
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Haha, I love it. I'm sure tang's kidding, although I've met a LOT of Americans who believe I (who lives in Montreal) and my family live in igloos and wear the fur of the animals I eat. He also asked if us Canadians went to school. I thought it'd be clever to mess with his head and went along :). Quebec looks more like a wolf's head then a rectangle. There's only a couple of provinces that are CUT like a rectangle, but it really depends. Look at the Atlantic for crying outloud, hmph. In Montreal we don't really have head shops. We have under-the-table grocers who'll sell Nahkla if we're desperate, but that's about it. Online is the only way! Adonis (a big grocer chain in Montreal) sells hookahs but nothing too appealing. It'll be awhile 'till we see ma'assel in head shops or just hookah shops in general, the taxes are just too expensive in Canada. Adonis, the grocery store, does carry ma'assel but at ridiculous prices. For a 50g box of Nahkla it would cost about 12$ after taxes. I pay less for a 250g of Al Amir. They, as a big grocery company, can afford to go through the difficulties of importing ma'assel into Canada. My local hookah lounge said if he were to sell his tobacco (which he gets from Fumari) he would have to charge 110% ontop of the cost of the tobacco because that's how much he pays of taxes. I think for every 30$ of ma'assel he pays about 35$ of taxes? Sorry for the rant! Merry Christmas everyone!Jon
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[quote name='jmexx']I'm sure tang's kidding[/quote]
I'm sure too, but you never know.  Saskatoon isn't exactly a world renound city.  Oh, Tangiers, I mean nothing but fun in calling you poon tang!
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[QUOTE=jmexx]Haha, I love it. I'm sure tang's kidding, although I've met a LOT of Americans who believe I (who lives in Montreal) and my family live in igloos and wear the fur of the animals I eat. He also asked if us Canadians went to school.
yeah and we swedes get chased by wolfs and polar bears on the way to work and school  everyday i once meet a japanese guy at a bar one evening that was terrified that it had got dark outside so erarly and he asked me if it would be safe for him to walk to his hotel i told him that it the safest way was to take a cab and that the cabdrivers was armed for things like that(true story)
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That thing called Nunnavit...I could swear it used to be the district of Keewatin or something...and where there's the "Northwest Territories"  I've seen Mackenzie and Queen Elizabeth Islands called Franklin...All the maps I've ever seen are all so hot fired to show the US, Canada kinda gets scrunched up and the states...territories..whatever you call them glossed over...same thing for Mexico...there's 24 states in Mexico. That's why they get offended when we refer to this country as the United States of America (They're united, they have states, they're in America).Everyone gets a distorted view of places being sooo dangerous. Its kinda silly (If polar bears ate us regularly, why do you think we live here?). Of course crocodiles really eat people whole in that crappy Florida place..You can call me Tang anytime ya want, Soap. As long as I can call you Soap, Soup.
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Haha. Lovely story, alen. Good to know that if I ever go to Sweden the cab drivers are ready for polar bears! Haha I love people's distorted views. Poon tang was quite a classic name. How old are you, tang? Just out of curiosity, nothing more :).Jon
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[quote name='Tangiers']You can call me Tang anytime ya want, Soap. As long as I can call you Soap, Soup.[/quote]
But Soup is already bad enough
No quams, Tang!
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Disclaimer: The previous message has been judged to be without creative, scientific or practical value. It was completely pointless. They are the rantings of a nicotine-crazed madman. Do not wear perfume in here...it sticks to the tobacco.
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