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Tangiers Appreciation Thread

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Well Eric I just want to say thanks for creating the phunnel bowl because without you it would not exist and I have been using one for about a year and a half.

Secondly you make excellent tobacco and my horchata is coming today YAY!!

Keep up the good work and take it easy.

Forgot to mention Tangiers also is the inovator of the Super Chief bowl which I unfortunately have not had a chance to try but perhaps in the near future
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I am a Tangiers Fanboi I guess you could say. It is all I smoke now. Nothing else matters. I enjoy the lucid line also. Tangiers is the best for flavor from start to finish. Major Props to Eric and his great product. costumed-smiley-091.gif
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QUOTE (nathan_Choi @ Jun 21 2008, 01:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah tangiers if pretty excellent. I for one, however, cannot stand the kashmir he puts in some of his flavors. All the rest are deelishhh though.

Tangiers rocks, great buzz, insane flavor that never dies, and Kashmir kicks ass too.

Good work guys
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I love Tangy's!!! I cant afford it right now. But, when I can _sheesha2__by_Majunka_aurore.gif !!! I love how the taste lasts forever and the smoke is so thick!!! Great buzz too, even out of the lucid. Also, I like that you can smoke a little bit, leave it in the bowl, and smoke it later. The one thing I like the most is being able to just call up Eric and ask a simple question. Plus, he's just a cool guy to talk to. I need to meet the guy though. Ive missed out twice.
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Hello. My name is Big Boss and I'm addicted to Tangiers. Oh wait... not that kind of thread? I've loved Tangiers ever since I first tried it for all the reasons listed above.
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QUOTE (Big Boss @ Jun 21 2008, 11:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello. My name is Big Boss and I'm addicted to Tangiers. Oh wait... not that kind of thread? I've loved Tangiers ever since I first tried it for all the reasons listed above.

Step 2: Put your faith in God and in the belief that he can help you with this problem.

^^ too bad that wouldnt work for tangier's addicts cause God's prolly the biggest addict of them all
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I got my first batch of Lucid yetserday. I fired up cocao 2after only 2 hrs of acclimating and it was awesone!!!. It was like I was smoking a brownie. I left it acclimating overnight and my whole living room smelled like a batch of brownies was cooking in the oven. Tried out tasty peach today after acclimating for 3 hrs. Flavor not as strong on that one yet, i'm going to let it acclimate more. I can't wait to order more flavors.

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Yup, Tangiers is pretty damn good. The flavors are intense. The smoke is awesome. The buzz is nice. Must have tobacco for sure.

Coming soon to my doorstep:

Apricot Spring Blend
Peach Iced Tea
Watermelon Lucid
Blue Gumball Lucid

You bet your ass there will be reviews for every one of those flavors. biggrin.gif
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I tried Tangiers for the first time ever today

wow. so fucking good. maybe it's all the propaganda the fanboys have been spreading that got to me, but i swear, the lucid cocoa i smoked was probably my best smoke ever. and it was SOOOO simple: watch Snoopy's video on packing it! NOTHING ELSE. i can't believe the people who shit on tangiers saying it's thin smoke and no flavor. HAS to have been a bad batch or not set up right. the one thing i do understand is that people may dislike the slight tobacco undertone Tangiers had for me. it wasn't candyish or anything, it was like real cocoa tobacco. amazing though. no buzz though, which is a good thing for me laugh.gif

so. mad props. tangiers has a new fanboy!
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Definitely a Tangiers fanboy here as well. Great job on creating the best shisha ever as well as an incredible bowl. Tangiers FTW!
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Oh, you guys.

My name is Eric and I am a Tangiers addict too.

I'm not just the president, I'm also a customer. Well, actually employees of tobacco manufacturers get free tobacco. I smoke it a lot!

Thank you, my friends. I was told for a long time I was nuts. I didn't know anything about making hookah tobacco, I'd fail miserably. One hookah retailer, who shall remain nameless (and still doesn't sell Tangiers) said "I don't know why anybody would want to smoke this". Stores told me nobody would buy it, people wanted lower quality, cheaper tobacco, I told them I though I was right. I stood by what I thought was right...and what I thought was better. I don't shove it down people's throats, I let them try it and decide for themselves what they like better.

Now, I'm getting "its great", you should double the price, and lower the quality. Probably the same idiots who thought it wouldn't sell.

Its amazing how many industry experts think they know something, but are really just dilettantes. Maybe they just like trying to sabotage other people's success. Either way, I did it my way. I accept no short-cuts and make compromise with Tangiers. I guarantee thats the way it will be as long as I run this company...which should be for a long time to come. Maybe I won't become rich like those guys selling second-rate tobacco for huge prices, but I do this because I love it.

Your compliments gentlemen (and ladies) vindicate a man who tries to play it honestly and honorably. Really, I'm just an average guy like you guys, so complimenting Tangiers is complimenting yourselves because Tangiers is about people like yourselves.

If you see what I'm saying.

Thanks again for the compliments.
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QUOTE (Sonthert @ Jun 22 2008, 12:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh, you guys.

My name is Eric and I am a Tangiers addict too.

I'm not just the president, I'm also a customer. Well, actually employees of tobacco manufacturers get free tobacco. I smoke it a lot!

Thank you, my friends. I was told for a long time I was nuts. I didn't know anything about making hookah tobacco, I'd fail miserably. One hookah retailer, who shall remain nameless (and still doesn't sell Tangiers) said "I don't know why anybody would want to smoke this". Stores told me nobody would buy it, people wanted lower quality, cheaper tobacco, I told them I though I was right. I stood by what I thought was right...and what I thought was better. I don't shove it down people's throats, I let them try it and decide for themselves what they like better.

Now, I'm getting "its great", you should double the price, and lower the quality. Probably the same idiots who thought it wouldn't sell.

Its amazing how many industry experts think they know something, but are really just dilettantes. Maybe they just like trying to sabotage other people's success. Either way, I did it my way. I accept no short-cuts and make compromise with Tangiers. I guarantee thats the way it will be as long as I run this company...which should be for a long time to come. Maybe I won't become rich like those guys selling second-rate tobacco for huge prices, but I do this because I love it.

Your compliments gentlemen (and ladies) vindicate a man who tries to play it honestly and honorably. Really, I'm just an average guy like you guys, so complimenting Tangiers is complimenting yourselves because Tangiers is about people like yourselves.

If you see what I'm saying.

Thanks again for the compliments.

In all honesty. Much of the reason I smoked tangiers and only willing to buy tangiers tobacco is because after meeting Eric, you really understand that this is his passion and he really speaks the truth. no bullshit, just how it is. His tobacco takes heart, dedication and hard work, which in my opinion creates the highest quality hookah tobacco i've had (and i've tried a lot). I've been telling everyone I meet how Tangiers is the best tobacco theyll ever try and I stand by that like Eric does by his business.

Keep up the good work Eric! Can't wait to come down and smoke with you again.
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to change the thread a bit...i have a question

im a curious guy. i love hookah. so i gotta wonder, why is tangiers like it is? what makes it so dead on with the flavor and so different from other tobacco? i would never dream of packing other tobacco like i pack my tangiers, it's a recipe for failure. i've been smoking it for two whole days and im already way intrigued. another thing, the subtle under tones are kick ass. friends i smoke with have already noticed how complex the flavor is. HOW is it done?! can we hear SOME details about tangiers creation without giving away the secret? please? i think we deserve it biggrin.gif
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QUOTE (mikeypas @ Jun 23 2008, 01:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
really curious about the f-line.. anyone care to comment? do you feel the caffeine effects more? how about taste?

I just recently had one of my customers buy some and he texted me later and told me he cleaned his house 3 times....lol
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Oh god I love tangiers smile.gif Been smoking it for a solid year + ! Thank you Eric for making such a bomb ass shisha! I reallly need to come visit sometime! Damn it costing an arm and a leg to travel these days!
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I really like Tangiers. I have 250 F-Line Apple I am not crazy about, and i did get samples from Neal, and think I got ripped, hard time breaking up some clumps. Would love if the flavor hit as hard as Naklha, but everything I have had so far is great!
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