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anotether Tangiers Review

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There was one thing odd about this tobacco, and thats that at first i
could not get it going right away, i was using 2 golden charcoals and
the smoke was harsh, thin and grating. Then i gave it a second try,
this time using some natural charcoal and low and behold thick fluffy
white smoke yeildied to my every puff, delicious aromatic fumes filled
the room. What im trying to say is that this tobacco needed less heat,
and more strategic placement of coals. It might take a little longer to
get the hang of using tangiers tobacco, but after your first bowl of it
youll realize that it was all worth it.  enough dicking around now
onto my review

Molasses- strong enticing flavors and smell
Tobacco- unchopped thick black wads of tobacco
Buzz- 10/10 best buzz i have
ever had with shisha, unlike nakhala theres no headache or nauseating
feelings which was nice, nonetheless its a strong buzz!
Smoke- 8/10 dense white fluffy
smoke. now heres the difference with tangiers, it seperates the iron
lungs from the metro sexual hookahers we see on the front page of the
forum. It is strong, and will tickle your throat and lungs. I coughed
once or twice but was able to keep the smoke smooth throughout the
session by occassionaly purging the valve. The tobacco yeilded
allloottt of smoke, and my bowl lasted about an hour. My al fakher
usually lasts 30 minutes, cause i tend to plow through the bowl without
taking breathes.
Taste- The taste was a classic
nostalgic double apple flavor, really delicious to smell uncooked and
then once again in the smoke. Running my tongue along my teeth i can
taste the apple pretty well. The only tobacco that has better flavor i
think is AF sweet melon or AF grape. It was a pretty damn good taste,
tasted alot like tabac le prince double apple if any of you europeans
know about that brand.
Brand - this is a new section i
add to my reviews, but its important for this review. Tangiers is just
a damn good guy and i know he stands behind his tobacco %100, to make
sure its the best quality and that it reaches its full potential every
bowl you smoke. He was thoughtful enough to send me 9 flavors and a
head just for smoking his tobacco- you can tell this man is passionate
about his work! He listed the humidity dewpoint stuff and everything to
make sure that i had the best smoke of my life, and well, he succeeded
in doing just that.

and for those of you who skipped right to the end of the review- here is my overall rating

Tangiers double apple- 9/10
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Actually, I forget the head sizes, they actually look about the same, but I don't remember making any large blue/blacks recently, and I'm fairly sure the purple/white were larges...they are definitely mediums or larges, though.
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[quote name='mushrat']i like freaks...i myself spent the better part of my life being the strangest person in the room...
except when i was on the road on digs..then i was only in the top 75%...was very strange...[/quote]The heads were freaks, not freak heads. Silly Mushy.
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