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I have two Syrian hookahs. One  is the same as the glyph. These
hookahs are really amazing both in construction and traditional
aesthetics. I think it is well worth it to drill out the holes. I only
use one hose in mine and left the other two chambers with autoseal.
Drilling the autoseal out is really easy. Just work up from a small bit
to a larger one. It just takes patience, but you will be rewarded with
a great hookah. With the autoseal the draw is very tight, but not
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WAIT!!! don't order it yet!  I have the syrian glyph from hookah shisha, and it's time for me to move on to a new hookah!  you want mine for cheap? still auto-sealing, but I've contemplated drilling it out to make it non....all yours if you want it!  email me: Z@Z-audio.com
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