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This question is mainly directed towards people 18-25 years old but any one feel free to chime in.

If somehow the united states got into another conflict after the iraq war is over...or somehow escalates iraq and there was a draft, what would you do?

Its been a moral question personally that i have thought a little bit abou since i got the forms to register for selective services a little over a year ago. On one hand i could never bring myself to fight for a cause that was not my own, let alone kill some one for it. Perhaps if i had a member of my family involved in 9/11 or went to war my veiw would be different but as it stands now if there was a draft i would have to declare myself to be against the war and either take jail time or leave the country.

And a little food for thought, How long until our society finds the need for selective services obsolete, the entire system? War fare and technology has progressed so much to the point where it wouldnt seem like a draft would ever really be needed. The soldiers are used more as a policing force.

Bored at work and i would love to hear some opinions.
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Hmm.. lets see here. Well first of I'm 19, and will be 20 in October, so I would be in one of the first age groups for the raffle for the draft...

The Iraq war, I would have to move to another country.. I just understand all the real reasons we are there, and I don't know what we're fighting for anymore. I remember hearing that we had to get Saddam.. ok we did that.. now what?

World War 2, I would have went. I knew what was going on, and I knew what I would have been fighting for.

Maybe... If the government would tell me all the reasons we are fighting over there, I'd stay, but as of right now, I would do what I could to get around it.

I'd like to add, I'm not against my country, I just dont want to goto war and possibly die for something I don't believe in. I 100% support our troops in service now, because they are brave as hell. I would be scared shitless if I was shipped off to Iraq right now. I also have more respect for them because they signed up for it.
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Aw the joys of being 27! In the event they did draft my fat ass, I would go. Don't ask, I can't explain. I just know I would go.

But don't worry, the military doesn't want a draft anyways, they would like to train professional soldiers, not people who don't want to be there or got randomly picked to be there.

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I think I would end up leaving the country if that scenario ended up coming to fruition. I was against this war from day one. If they need soldiers for Afghanistan, sign me up, but for Iraq, bye bye. I'd rather sit on an aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean than be in the desert. So I might have to go to the NAVY as opposed to getting drafted for Army Service.
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QUOTE (Cybersist @ Jun 25 2008, 08:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I got flat feet biggrin.gif

Ha! Me too! If they overlooked that and some other disquallifying features, I'd go.
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I would go for the eperiance and the pay. I dont think America will have a "real" draft for a while. I mean people have changed and publicity has changed. Views of America have changed; how many people do you know that hate this country? I know quite a few.

Well, I cant even join the military because I only have one hand. Ive thought a lot about it. Im really stuck in a rut in my life right now and would like to make something of myself, and the military was one attepmt.
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Well I take that back. I know I a lot of people that hate our government, not so much this country. There's always gonna be those a-holes that hate us cause were spoiled or whatever, but thats ok because were not all like that. I hate hate haters.
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When i brought this question up to a buddy of mine who just enlisted his only remark was along the lines of

"well you have lived in this country for 19 years now and chose to do so. If you dont like the country and what it stands for, why live here?"

This obviously sparked a debate about why i live in this country and how the government basically does what ever the fuck it pleases and all of his counter arguments.

But before this thread gets any farther, just want to say i do love this country and the general idea of everything it stands for, some shit is just a little shady. Big business seems to be more previlent in government ever time there is an election and seems like the majority of the politicians are becoming rich because of it.
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I'm 19 years old and in perfect health, so they would drag me out of my house personally lol. It depended on the circumstances though, if my country needed me badly enough to draft me I would be the first to stand up and fight, I dont want to be shot, I dont want to die, but I wont sit back and watch someone destroy my country or murder innocent people. If i had to opportunity I would be in africa aiming a scoped rifle at mugabe's head. I would be in Iran blowin up anything that even slightly resembled a nuke, Its human nature to protect your own, and I would protect my own, but I would also protect other people. Its just who i am


for the record my uncle had just walked out of the world trade center when the planes hit Edited by Chadkciw
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It would have to be a pretty damn good reason to get me to go peacefully in the event of a draft. More then likely I'd dissappear into the depths of darkness until the war was over, I've got more then a few friends with good places to hide me. Edited by Victim026
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If there was a draft I would simply say my religion prohibits me to fight against my own (I am Muslim and that is my basic understanding of fighting for another country). Even if what I have been told is wrong there is not way I will fight in Iraq or even in Afghanistan. I do not want to seem that I think I am too special or anything but if I went there and the whoever we are fighting found out that I was Muslim I would be the first to be not captured but killed. They would see it over in Iraq as a betrayal. That and I do not believe in Iraq and we went in because Bush wanted to and he had support because of 9/11. That and he wanted to divert our attention from Afghanistan because we were not and still not getting any results over there. If my claims were denied to be deffered from the draft I would leave the country I whole heartedly disagree with this war and I get the feeling that if a draft were necessary we would be fighting another country alongside fighting a war in Iraq. This could possibly mean going into a number of Middle Eastern Countries which could lead to the U.S. fighting in Lebanon and that is my Homeland. If the U.S. ever came into Lebano I know for a fact that I would flat out refuse to fight with the U.S. and most probably be fighting against them...
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QUOTE (nicayotte @ Jun 26 2008, 03:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Scheetz @ Jun 26 2008, 12:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would just make sure I make top of the class so they pull me for special forces. wink.gif

Too bad it don't work like that

600th post BTW

hence the winking and the rest of my comment about bringing my own guns.
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I'm the last male of my family's name so they wouldn't take me. If they wanted to I wouldn't go anyways. I'd take it to the courts and probably jail after that.

And yeah someone else said the same thing but I think war is a joke. The only war the US has been in that made any sense was the revolutionary war, the rest were dumb and mostly contrived.
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QUOTE (boulderkid303 @ Jun 26 2008, 06:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would never go, I don't support any kind of war, let alone iraq.

What if we had a war going on in america? wat if chinese troops were destroying new york and slowly moving across the united states, raping and pillaging (i like chinese people and chinese food, this is jsut a hypothetical). Would u stand up and fight or be swept aside like everyone else?

That is the question all our troops have answered, will you be the 1 to be swept aside? Or will you fight and die for a cause? personally i'd like to go out with a bang, but thats just me
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I believe that all war is not right however if someone was invading the country I was living in I would not just let them kill me. However the war in Iraq is not right and was definitely not necessary as they did not pose any immediate threat to us and we acted pro actively not defensively. If we were at war with a country and it was in defense for attacks they had made against us I might fight for the U.S. depending on the circumstances. Note a country and not a group of terrorists.
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  • 4 weeks later...
well personally they probably wouldn't take me with a reconstructed knee, and working on my MBA, however they would snatch me up seeing how things are in Iraq.

Personally I don't support certain wars (like iraq) however I support the troops to the fullest extent. If I was drafted and somehow made it through I would go simply because I support the troops, anything to help it get over quicker.

sorry to revive the thread just wanted to post.
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QUOTE (SuburbanSmoker @ Jun 25 2008, 05:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This question is mainly directed towards people 18-25 years old but any one feel free to chime in.

If somehow the united states got into another conflict after the iraq war is over...or somehow escalates iraq and there was a draft, what would you do?

Its been a moral question personally that i have thought a little bit abou since i got the forms to register for selective services a little over a year ago. On one hand i could never bring myself to fight for a cause that was not my own, let alone kill some one for it. Perhaps if i had a member of my family involved in 9/11 or went to war my veiw would be different but as it stands now if there was a draft i would have to declare myself to be against the war and either take jail time or leave the country.

And a little food for thought, How long until our society finds the need for selective services obsolete, the entire system? War fare and technology has progressed so much to the point where it wouldnt seem like a draft would ever really be needed. The soldiers are used more as a policing force.

Bored at work and i would love to hear some opinions.

#1U.S. signed a treaty a while back with Canada...if a draft comes about, Canada will not take draft dodgers. And you know for sure they will have the Mexican border reinforced to catch people skipping out. That leaves swimming, which I HAVE considered.

#2 We are not that far off...My brother-in-law is working for CMU(Carnegie Mellon University)'s Robotic Company(it is owned by the school, but not "affiliated" with the school), building and programming vehicles that drive themselves. They are getting close, they have them doing minor obstacle courses now. This is a contract they have I believe with an airline company that the gov owns....that part of the details I don't know 100%, but I know its a military contract regardless.
So, its not that far off.

Now as for me and the draft...In current circumstances...the whole Middle East shinanigans, I will not go, Period. I sure as hell don't believe in a war that is backed by an event that our gov. could have 100% stopped, yet alone that I believe they did(9/11). What it comes down to, I will only fight if the war is physically here on the homelands. Otherwise, I've 1. got a doctor lined up that would label me unfit because he too does not believe in this. 2. If doctor doesnt work, I have a discreet location to hide out at until the war/draft is over, in the middle of knowwhere USA...As soon as I know I have a chance of going, I'm stocking up on 5years of tobacco, food, beverages(pop, booze, water...)and ammunitions. I will sit there with the ak47, 300short mag. with scope, amongst other weapons. ...they will have to consider what its worth...losing dozens of able guys that could be fighting over there, on me, just to take one over or throw him in jail...hmmmm....because in order to force me to fight, well, they can't...my body is only going over for a war I don't believe in, in a body bag.

now that I'm done ranting a bit, one thing...I support our troops fully. My buddy is in Butler Pa's National Guard reserves, and he has to go over for a yr tour starting in september...he is a new dad...I worry everyday about him and that each time I see him may be the last. I support the people 100% but not the cause

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I think most peopel agree with fighting only if we actually have a viable enemy over here in our homes. In my mind thats the way it should be.

I'm missing bones in my wrist so im pretty sure they wouldnt take me. But theoretically if they still insisted I would have to join rivet in saying theyll take me in a casket and thats about it. This war is doing nothing but wasting money and talented young men and I refuse to be a part of it.

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