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making great mixes

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hi guys,

1)just wanted to know if you guys are able to make mixes at home (for
ex, strawberry+vanilla) that taste and smoke just as good as your
favorite hookah cafe's?

2)when you mix, do you actually fill a %of one flavor by a % of another
flavor side by side in the bowl? or do you mix them up (in whatever
ratio you wish) and then place in the bowl? (does it make a difference?)

3)is making a good bowl like cooking? where you have to be able to pack
a good bowl to make it a good smoking experience? or does the choal or
punching the right number and sized holes in the foil or water level
make a bigger difference in the smoking experience? i want to be able
to replicate my cafe smoking experience at home (assume i have a good
quality hookah)

4)does anyone know a good place to buy hookah's choal, tongs, bowls,
and shisha from an actual tobacco store in the Los angeles area at good
prices? any places you guys recommend will be appreciated.

5)quality being equal, in general is ordering from a web site cheaper
(after shipping) than buying from a tobacco shop? anyone recommend good
quality dependable websites for ordering tobacco, there are sooooo many
and i want to know which has good prices,  good service and fast
dilivery, (hooka-shisha.com?)

thanks guys
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Making great mixes is just a testing process. Think of mixtures in real
life that taste good, and turn that into ma'assel mixes, such as
grape/cola, vanilla with lots of things, mint with lots of things.

When I'm mixing, I normally just stick to a half/half mixture. What I
do is fill the bowl half way with one flavor, then fill the rest with
another flavor, then pour the two flavors on a dish, mix it really well
with my fingers, then put the mixed mix back into the bowl. This is
probably the easiest way to get a good mix.
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i know i talked about cheap but i just mean moderate prices but good
quality, in the end, i dont want to keep buying something because it
brakes apart, i really like the look of the stargate a lot , but i just
dont like the looks of the plexi glass at the base, and the way that it
leaks water for a lot of people and they say that it wears out. 
In fact, if i know the hookah is really high quality and gives a great
air tight smoke, i can spend up to a hundred bucks.
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just try your way to what you think is ok for you -when it comes to mixing i sometimes put one flavour in the bottom and another on top or sometimes i mix it together it depends what your after and about the % well thats up to you -if you want more strawberry take more strawberry or if you want more vanilla take more vanilla simple as that
and if i can recommend a good place i really recommend hookahcompany if you want a good selection of tobacco and good service
one of my favorite mixes is 70% nakhla cherry + 30% el basha licorice (i know it sounds awful but it turnes out real good just like a double cherry if you know what i mean ) another one is 70% banana with 30% of cappuchino -good luck
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