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Royal Smokers, And Getting Shisha To Canada

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I don't think I've ever posted here before, but I've been consulting this forum for my hookah questions since I started smoking it, but now I have a question that hasn't already been answered!

I'm from Canada, Saskatchewan to be more precise, but I'm down in Dearborn, MI for all of June, visiting my dad. From this thread I heard about Royal Smokers and decided to try it out. It really is like a Candy shop! The guy there was awesome and cut the tax on the shisha they had in big glass jars where you could take as much as you want. I think it was locally made? Anyhow, I definitely ended up with more than I came for - he was definitely persuasive. So I ended up leaving with around 2 lbs of shisha - Guava, Orange Tangerine, Lemon Grape and Wildberry Mint. There isn't anywhere in my hometown that sells Shisha, so it's probably good a good thing.

I can't smoke any of it until I get home as I didn't bring my pipe with me, but I was wondering if anyone else has tried it! Maybe I missed the review but I couldn't find it in the search.

Okay so all of that aside, now I have 2 lbs of shisha to bring home and I can only legally bring 200g back without getting taxed! So for any of you guys with experience getting shisha over the border, I want some opinions on my best option! Do I suck it up and declare it and pay the tax? Do I say nothing and hope they don't check? Or do I have a better chance shipping it home by post?

Thanks everyone!
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I would avoid shipping, unless you want to split it up into several small packages.
best bet, take it out of original bagging (if any) put it in tupperware, and buy some groceries and stick it in the bag with other groceries
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