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In Need Of Desperate Help

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What Kind Of Bowl Do i Need For this hookah? Were Can i Get it? And what should i clean this hookah with beacause im not sure whatll happen if i use soap on this...Sorry about the Low Quality pictures my camera isnt working for some reason... [url="http://imageshack.us"][img]http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/9349/picture246el.jpg[/img][img]http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/8951/picture237hq.jpg[/img][img]http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/5668/picture279zy.jpg[/img][/url]
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Well, it looks as if you need a bowl that goes into the stem, not a
bowl which goes over the stem. The bowls that go over the stem are more
commonly used, and buying bowls for these hookahs are easier to come by
because of their commonality. So you might have to search around.

Also, I always clean my hookah with hot/warm soapy water, but Tangiers
said to be careful when using soap. Make sure its a soap that uses safe
chemicals, nothing harsh. If you arn't sure, try just using warm water.
If it will fit, fill up your sink with hot water, and let the entire
stem soak in the water for a good 30min to an hour. Then use a long,
narrow brush to clean the inside of the stem. The soaking in warm water
will loosen up all the built up grim, making it easy to clean up with
the brush.

As for where you can get a bowl for that hookah, no idea. I'll try
looking around at some of the popular sites mentioned here alot, such
as hookahcompany, thehookah, and socialsmoke. I'll get back to ya ;)
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[quote name='HooKaholiC818']so i put the item shown above on and put a regular
bowl on top of it and itll work? or do i still need to High Grade
Hookah Bowl?[/quote]

Yes.. The smaller end goes inside the syrian head, like shown in your
picture, then the top half is larger so it can accomodate a egyptian
style bowl, which are much more common than syrian bowls. These were
made so people could use the most common type of bowl available. Large,
syrian style bowls are a little more difficult to come by than an
egyptian bowl. Just a convenience thing.
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I firmly recommend my bowls. My tobacco you can take or leave...they're made by hand, in the US with all certifed non-toxic materials. Those cast low-fire middle-eastern bowls...well you can't really be too sure...Yes the heavy metals are probably filtered out by the water, but you still have to handle them....
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They're actually very difficult to make by hand, from clay. The sizing tolerance is only 5%. Theoretically, yes...both ports are 1 in (25.4 mm)...a 1" OD pipe would fit in your hookah, I can't think of anything to simulate the taper of an Egyptian end...except maybe brass flare tubing....Just buy one! God! I made them for people, just like you...I was thinking of you...in fact I had your picture in front of me....ohhh. That's Creepy!
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Where is local? I go to a shop in Hollywood (at Hollywood and Cahuenga, just east of Vine) and they have them.Yours actually looks (as near as I can tell) like a hokkah a friend brought from Armenia. Its not a standard syrian or egyptian, the bottom of the bowl fits over the downpipe, but still inside a ring.B & N has them on the bottom corner shelf.
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i think its lebanese not syrian guys (i bought a few syrian bowls and they have egyptian fittings) 

i just got a lebanese hookah (or syrian as you guys call it) and i have
the same problem cause none of my bowls fit on it, so im gonna take the
ol' sander out and have me some fun. Im just gonna sand out the rim
until it fits properly,  and throw a grommet in there. Ill let
yall know if it solves my problem (that means you hookah holic)
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All sorts of mugs buy my stuff from somebody who bought it from somebody else. Actually, both types of hookahs are made in various places...we've just adopted the naming for no good reason other than it used to seem all the female ports were on Syrian Pipes and all the male ports were on Egyptian ones.
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ok i tried sanding down my bowl but i realised it would break if i kept
going. Instead i took a cork, punched through the center, and ran
copper piping through it and she smokes like a charm! you can shave off
the top of the cork so it fitts properly- give that a try if you have
the time/inclanation.
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Its one thing to say a head is made in Syria........ but it may still be an "female" head.
I know one spot that has the head you need......
Im sure hookahcompany.com has more of the same.......... otherwise the adapter is a good thing to choose.
Good luck finding a high quality "syrian style" head (male head).
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I honestly dont know...... I dont own one like you have .... I just know thats the style you need for your machine. Im sure you will still have to use a grommet... or a combination of several to get a good fit.
This is just a place that I found while shopping for hookahs long ago.
All orders appear to come directly from Syria........... so I might suggest a bulkish order to make the shipping worth while......
Otherwise...... Hookahcompany.com should have something for under 10 bucks
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For the record, cork is a bad idea, transient flavors (Yes, I invented the name, I went to a university to invent scientific-sounding names for things people haven't heard of...I was just a few months behind on "second-hand smoke")transient flavors are what are left from more or less insoluble flavor components...a cork will just absorb all sorts of flavors, new flavors will mix and mingle and mix flavors in obnoixous and unpredictable ways. Your smoking quality will go downhill after a dozen hours or so.
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