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Al-fakher 36" At Local Shop

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A local incense store guy sells hookah stuff. That's where I bought my Mya QT about four months ago, when I didn't know jack about hookahs. This forum has educated me so much, so thank you, guys! He has a large Al-Fakher hookah (the big 36" one) that is not in tip-top shape... it's covered in dust and caked with dust on the beautiful stem! The hose is a fancy, felt-covered one, but it is dirty, falling apart and rusted in the tip. Overall, it looks like it's been sitting on his shelf for ages, and I doubt anyone will ever buy it.

The last time I was there, he said it cost $175. He said he would drop the price down to $125 for me, but I checked the website of alfakheronline.com, and they are selling it brand-new for $115... with freebies and new components (hose, bowl, etc.).

I'd love to take the hookah off the guy if he would sell it to me for, like, $75 or so. Should I talk to him? I am worried that he will get pissed off at my offer... but really, I don't think anyone else is gonna buy it, and I can buy it brand new, in the box, with new accessories and freebies from alfakheronline.com for $115, so...

your thoughts are appreciated.

- Ronald
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You gotta remember though that you're getting the hookah online with shipping for all the things in the order it will come out to 135 something. So you may end up paying the same price in both places. I think 125 is fair from a shop, they have overhead they have to pay too.
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I disagree bulldog, let's say he pays $135 for shipping and everything online. Ok that's great. But with the freebies and the fact that he's getting a BRAND NEW hookah that shouldn't require any maintenance out of the box it's worth it.

I'd say start at $75 and talk up to $100 max if he's not willing to budge much.
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...he will not go down to 100
Just tell him straight up that its 135 shipped online..and see what he says. Try to haggle with him for a little..if he says no, well F%$K him. You can always buy it online.
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I thought about it and I'm with code sort of.

first check the shipping to you on AF.com then go in there with evidence if he's a hard ass.

I'd still haggle him down to $100, depending on what kind of relationship you have with him. Then offer to buy some shisha off of him that way you both win.
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