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Dangerous Idea Goes Bad

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So it was 4th of July yesterday and we were watching fireworks on my roof. Smoking cigars and having some drinks. One of my buddies brought his QT knockoff on the roof to smoke after I refused to bring up any of my hookahs. (I am much less carefree when it comes to my hookahs then he is) (obviously). So the fireworks end and we all climb off the roof and he drops the hookah while walking back inside the house and it breaks on the driveway.
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OH my. Who treats their hookah with such disregard? So one time I was on the roof with my firstborn child and after getting down i dropped her on the sidewalk and she shattered into peices. blink.gif

Next time if he wants to lose a hookah please just give him my mailing address. Since reading all the horror stories in the forum i baby my hookah.

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I assumed as much, it just freaks me out to think of my precious breaking and the whole roof thing is a ballsy decision. They should manufacture generic hard cases for all different sizes. I'm sure they already do and I'm thinking of getting one if so. Tell your muchacho I'm sorry for his loss.
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