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extra valves?

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im new to this forum, and this lifestyle i suppose. Just got a pretty darn nice hookah for xmas, so now i dont have to constantly wait for my friends to use theirs.this hookah of mine though... it has one hose, one hose valve, and one release valve.. then two other holes with screws in them that will fit the hose valve perfectly.so it looks like it can instantly turn into a three-hose hookah - which would be quite convenient.but, it didnt come with any more valves.. and i cant find any online? all i see are the ones to replace the release valve. Can anyone point me in the right direction about this?Thanks!..oh yea, general consensus: 3 good flavors to start off with?
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i have no clue where it came from, since it was a gift.. and i dont have a camera so i cant get any pictures well, my stem has 4 holes on it. one, the release valve thing screws on to.  this has a threaded male jack coming out of the stem, and only the release valve (sorry if thats not the right name) will go on it.then there are 3 other holes that are identical to each other.  and i got one thing to screw into a hole that lets me attach the hose, and 2 other stoppers that screw in the holes and just block them up.  those parts can go in any hole. so i can have my hose coming out of any of these three places. and it looks like it was meant to be upgradable to a two- or three-hose hookah.the stem adapter that was linked to appears to go on the threaded male jack thats being used for the release valve.  thanks for looking for it, but it isnt exactly what i was looking for.  and no, my hookah came with just the hookah. so i need to order the coals, ma'assel, etc. online .... i have no idea of any places around here that sell that stuff.  and hi tangiers.
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yeah, the hookah has a "release valve thingy". the glow-in-the-dark Yoda bong has a carband thanks for the site reccomendations, still no luck with those, or many others. ill just keep it in the back of my mind until i actually really need more hoses, or can get my hands on a digi camera.and im just gonna order everything online. there arent any good stores within half-a-tank-of-gas from where i am. blah.and tangiers, your name has tang in it. that is the best orange-flavored drink EVER.
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He has a mya hookah sounds like. I just got one from spencers gifts and
it was a 1 hose. I bought the proper adapters from them and now its a 3
hose. I could even make it a 4 hose if i wanted. Does it look
like  any of these?

[url="http://www.spencersonline.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/product"]http://www.spencersonline.com/index.cfm/fu...eaction/product[/url] s.detail/productID/735add8f-4bae-4589-bf78-36772e7a2155/
[url="http://www.spencersonline.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/product"]http://www.spencersonline.com/index.cfm/fu...eaction/product[/url] s.detail/productID/346437c3-00a6-41d6-9941-83d942ee91cf/
[url="http://www.spencersonline.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/product"]http://www.spencersonline.com/index.cfm/fu...eaction/product[/url] s.detail/productID/54dcdeb5-68d5-42ca-b086-8fd0cf35e7c9/

they dont have the adapter online. sorry.
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