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Baby hookah(7") Experiance

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A friend of mine bought me a baby hookah- a 7" tall 100% brass very traditional arguile. They bought it more or less as a little novelty gift, but I was bored yesterday and decided what the hell?[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v495/Chevy72blu/Picture012.jpg[/img]getting the right ammount of water in was really tricky. I just filled it up and pulled through the hose and then poured some out until I didnt get water in my mouth any more. I put about 5g's of Al Amir rasberry in it, threw on a golden and gave it a try. To anyone who plans to use one of these as their only means of smoking- its a waste of money. You *can* smoke out of them... but just because you *can* do something, doesnt make it all that enjoyable.At first the smoke was decent. Though it was difficult not to draw too hard and burn the ma'assel. I couldnt do my usual complete exhale followed by a really deep pull. I actually managed to get some nice puffy clouds of white smoke, though it wasnt all that enjoyable. The draw was frustrating and after about 10 minutes of smoking, the entire peice became hot to the touch- as did the smoke. I kept it from becoming too harsh, but after about 25 minutes I'd grown tired of fighting it.Bottom line- it wasnt a complete waste of ma'assel, though I doubt I'll be using this again. Its a nice decoration sitting next to my stargate and egyptian, but thats about all. It is very tiny and could easilly be thrown in a suitcase if you REALLY needed to smoke while you are away, but even then- find a lounge.I know a few people have asked about these types of peices... so I wanted to leave something up for people to search for.Happy puffing!-Hookahduck
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