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How To Take Care Of Your Hookah


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First off i'd like to say if you take care of your hookah, it will take care of you. I am writing this guide only because i know that there are alot of new smokers out there and should know some basic things. I'm sure every one has different methods of cleaning but i thought i'd write a simple guide on how to care for your hookah.

First off right after every session you should clean your hookah very well. Maybe i'm just anal about it but i feel that even if your going to go back to back bowl's you should always clean the water out of your vase, use fresh water and soap and rinse the stems and hose (if it's detachable)

What i do after every session i first take the base, dump the empty water out and put soap in it and let it soak in hot soapy water. Then i put some soap in my bowl and let it settle as i prepare to clean everything else. I then rinses the stem, pour some soap down it take the cleaning brush do a few strong thursts and rinse warm water down it, also make sure to clean the hose port and purge valve. It is also good every once and a while to make sure the ball bareing is clean and to get all the gunk off it.

After this is done i take a bristle sponge, which is perfect for cleaning the bowl, and scrub really good. The great thing about bristle sponges is they have a rough texture which gets all the burnt tobacco off your bowl making it look clean, and leaves no after taste of your most recent session, it's also not to rough so it wont scuff up your bowl. After scrubing all the burnt tobbaco out your safe to rinse it with hot water and dry it off. Once this is done your vase shoulf be well enough soaked to be rinsed out and dryed.

Also i bought a special product from h-s which is called bling, which once a week i throughly clean the stem with it, i do not do it after every session because it is very powerful but it's a very good once a week cleaning to get any reaming flavour tastes out of your stem.

As i said i'm sure every one has there own cleaning methods, but so far this has worked great for me. To any new smokers i strongly suggest you make sure you properly clean your hookah after every session, or else in the future your sessions will have a bad taste to them and your hookah will slowly become useless.
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im with the hippie, i have used both bling and vinegar and i get about the same result, the only real diffrence is $$$$$
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