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help me is this feeling normal ? :(

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i just got my hookah this mourningi've never even done hookah beforei'm using the grape flavor socialsmoke includedfirst 30 minutes were fine i felt a tad dizzy and buzzed.. smoke started getting too thin so i put a new coal oni'm 45 minutes in really really dizzy, i feel like i'm gonna vomit and i'm in a cold cold sweat like i drank way to much or something.. = help i'm scare
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What brand of shisha is it? About the only thing that really does that to me anymore is Nakhla, and even then it is hit or miss. Since it is your first time, I would say that sounds kinda normal. Maybe give us a little bit more detail as to your set-up, etc. Did you follow the instructions that came with your hookah? Did you wait for the coals to completely ash over before you tossed them on the bowl? Here is what I do to set my hookah up, and I am always happy with the smoke I get:1) Water in base about an inch over the bottom of the stem. Once you find the right spot, you can usually find some decorative aspect of the base to help you remember where to fill to.2) Loosely sprinkle the shisha into the bowl, with maybe an 1/8" or so left before the top. I VERY SLIGHTLY even out the top of the tobacco so that it doesn't stick to the foil. Just don't pack it.3) Place the foil snugly over the top of the bowl. There are other folks here who use/love screens (I was one of them), but once I switched to foil, I felt I got a much better smoke.4) I like the foil pattern on the Hookah Culture website. It seems to be very consistent for me:[url="http://www.hookahculture.com/hookah_setup_smoking.htm"]http://www.hookahculture.com/hookah_setup_smoking.htm[/url]There is lots of other great information on that page as well.5) I use two 33mm Three Kings coals. Once they are COMPLETELY GLOWING, I put them on the bowl next to one another. Take some nice deep puffs, and once you get good smoke thickness, move the coals 1/4 of the way around the bowl. I use the pattern on the foil to help me keep track of where I have moved them.6) With two coals, I have to move them around more often to prevent scorching the shisha. You will have to experiment and see how often you need to move them for your own set-up/personal taste. With this set-up, I usually get 45 minutes to an hour of good smoke, depending on the brand. The two coals are all I end up using, as I really don't like to smoke for hours and hours. When all is said and done, most of the shisha in the bowl has been used up, with maybe a little wet stuff at the very bottom. If you want a longer smoke, maybe put a little bit more tobacco in the bowl, and throw another coal on once the first two stop doing their job. Whatever you end up doing, I think through trial and error you should eventually be quite pleased with your smoking experience. If these symptoms you describe happen everytime you smoke, then I really don't know what to say. Welcome to the forum!
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I suspect peanut it right. I can guess how it went, Ogrt got the hookah going and puffed and puffed and forgot to do little things like come up for some fresh air. Especially if he/she was doing it alone. Nothing to break up the puffing like conversation or passing the hose...[img]http://hookahforum.com/forum/smileys/smiley11.gif[/img]
So no matter what esle you do...SLOW DOWN. Take a deep breath, get up and get a snack, have a few sips of your drink while you smoke...that sorta thing. Remember Ma'asell is STILL tobacco and if you aren't used to smoking its GOING to effect you. Happy smoking! [img]http://hookahforum.com/forum/smileys/smiley4.gif[/img]
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I've heard of this before... STOP SMOKING!! DO NOT SMOKE YOUR HOOKAH AGAIN! Last time this happened to a friend of mine and exactly seven days, to the hour, after he smoked the hookah for his first time, he grew warts on his nipples.Sorry, it's perfectly normal, you're just a newb to the smoking scene and all will be well after you get used to it. Calm down a bit on the first few sessions, try to smoke with a couple people or take long breaks.Jon
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Heh, I just smoked for my 2nd time. This time another brand and flavor I had. I used Al-Waha mint. This one didn't make me sick at all, infact I noticed a few differences between the brand. The buzz was extremely low with this one. I felt the smoke was alot less but lasted just as long if not longer over all. The mint flavor was also not as profound as the grapes. kinda lika smoking a very mild tic tac.
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[quote name='jmexx']I've heard of this before... STOP SMOKING!! DO NOT SMOKE YOUR  
HOOKAH AGAIN! Last time this happened to a friend of mine and  
exactly seven days, to the hour, after he smoked the hookah for his  
first time, he grew warts on his nipples.

Sorry, it's perfectly normal, you're just a newb to the smoking scene  
and all will be well after you get used to it. Calm down a bit on the first  
few sessions, try to smoke with a couple people or take long breaks.

Jon[/quote]Not funny. really. For Newb, be careful, I like to and recommend to other people that they don't hold their breath. Some people act like its that "wile veed" and take a big hit and hold their breaths as long as they can. Can you say brain damage? Pace yourself, learn how much is too much. Also watch the "Leave it to Beaver" episode where Beaver and Larry Mondello steal the tobacco from cigarette butts and smoke it out of Ward's pipe that Fred Rutherford sent him from Germany, I believe its a mersatz pipe. Anyhow, they feel awful and they feel like they are turning green. I think most of us have felt that way over the years.
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Thanks for all the tips. Btw, I dont try holding it in at all. I just suck a good ammount in and blow it out trying to make rings. I just have 2 flavors by Al amir, both make me really sick = The one alwaha I have doesn't really make me that sick, just a little head ache and buzz but it has less flavor than the others.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I remember at a cigar tasting event at a local shop, a kid smoked too much of his cigar (inhaled too?) and with all the second hand smoke going on....ended up puking behind the dumpster.haha.I myself felt woozy after only like 2 inches and I stopped. Wicked buzz from the second hand.
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  • 1 month later...
might have a little bit to do with the coals. I find that quick lights give me a really bad headache that won't go away without lodine and sleep.  The coconut charcoal I've been using however, bothers me not.
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yea like tangiers said...i think weve all been there before...just some growing pains....if your using "quick lite" coals remember to light them outside as you can come into contact with two much carbon monoxide if you light them in a confined space and inhale them...and as stated abvet make sure they are completely lit and remember that smoking hookah is a social experience...its about relaxation and enjoying the time around the piece..mayb try havin a friend help you out during your next session so you have someone to pass the hose to....good luck the rest of the way though and welcome to the forum
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wow - this actully happend to me today, i went to one shisha shop smoked shisha for a good hour, went out , went to another shisha shop and had some shisha. started getting a headrush and went out. striaght away i puked and was not happy.i think it was the cold air that got me the most because inside it was warm and the air was full of smoke. outside it was cold and fresh. well as fresh as inner city air can get!
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[quote name='Ogrt48']Thanks for all the tips. Btw, I dont try holding it in at all. I just suck a good ammount in and blow it out trying to make rings. I just have 2 flavors by Al amir, both make me really sick = The one alwaha I have doesn't really make me that sick, just a little head ache and buzz but it has less flavor than the others.[/quote] for some reason every time i try to blow Os i end up gagging  my ass off and occasionally puke.i get the coldsweats and headache too,but usually only  when i try blowing Os.....*shrugs*
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Ive had that before. What i suggest is to take it easy dont smoke that
much shisha until you get used to it. I have been smoking shisha for
quite awhile now and i hardly ever get those symptoms but when i
started i did. I occasionally will get lightheaded and muscles are
sometimes weak. The parking lot at my school is like a 10 minute walk
from my dorm so i will smoke shisha and then go park my car and walk
back and i have to take like 10 breaks on the way back to my dorm its
so hard on me. If you ever get those symptoms i suggest going outside
and getting some fresh air and take really deep breaths and relax for a
couple minutes.
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  • 2 months later...
I only get stomach ache/headache/woozy feeling when i havent eaten
anything during/before i smoke.  Besides that, i enjoy a healthy
buzz.  Nakhla double apple knocks my ass out 
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Memories :DThe first time I packed a bowl myself (all the other occasions had been at a hookah cafe) was on a little hookah my girlfriend's dad had brought her home from Iran.The bowl easily fit the entire 50g package of Romman Sweet Melon. We didn't know any better, it fit in so well we figured we were supposed to put the whole package in.This was early in my hookah smoking. I would probably go to the hookah cafe a couple times a week, sharing two or three hookahs with five or more friends a night. So all in all I wasn't used to nicotine or tobacco in general as I am now.My girlfriend, her two roommates, and myself sat around the hookah on the coffee table, watched TV, talked, and so it goes.About an hour later, the hookah was still going strong. Everyone aside from myself had given it a rest.About 30-45 minutes later, I got up to get a drink. I had some water and suddenly felt like I was going to pass out. Vision blackening, cold sweat, dizziness, nausea, you name it. I felt awful. I curled up into fetal position on my girlfriend's bed and soon the world's spinning started to slow down.I think I eventually fell asleep (or something) as I couldn't tell you any events after that.Needless to say it was a learning experience. Haven't had a night like that since.
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