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New Hose At Hc

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i have a black one like that. it is super nice but the handles being so long on both sides means you lose some range on how far the hose can be passed without starting to spin the hookah around.
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So the hose itself is leather (unwashable) and the part that you actually touch is fake? A great example of form over function. Oh well, I guess it will look good on the mantlepiece for those with more money than brains.
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it looks alright to me nuthin too special though. You could pretty easily make covers like that from supplies easily (and cheaply) bought at joanns and a sewing machine. Pleather's cheap yo. Get a razan and make the damn cover I say.
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I am in no way paying that much money for a hose that will last maybe 6 months (I don't smoke too often). It looks nice however I just cant get over the price. It would look good for decoration tho.
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It is alot of $$ but its not like the hose is gonna die on you in 6 months.. The one that came with my Amer is at least a year old and I still use it weekly.. Just gotta take care of it.
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