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Nice, I like how you dont allow cigarette smoking in your lounge, I know I hate it when cigarettes are around me when I am at a hookah bar.
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Cool Free Plug. Can't beat it man!

Seriously if I did still smoke cigs...pocket ash tray...not a chance.

The smoking outposts are everywhere down in here in Texas and Oklahoma...especially all over college campuses....guess I am just use to seeing those.

That's cool though I hate seeing cigarette butts everywhere too.

Guess they didn't consider that when the govenrment decided to tell businesses how to run there establishments.

QUOTE (The Tick)
"'If you're selling insurance, we don't want any.'

'Actually, Tick, we're from the government.'

'No thanks, we've already got enough government'"
-An exchange between The Tick and a government agent
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I think it's great that Chapel Hill has used part of it's tax-free foundation to further this scourge of cigarette butts on the sidewalk. I am forcing myself to close my mind to the hundreds of thousands of Calcutta,India citizens who would be proud to make their nightly sleep on its pristine pavement, free of butts. Maybe instead at least they can find a few India emigrants who are out of work , give them battery operated hand vacumns and a job with dignity.
(that's that, now I'm going to sleep) Edited by TizaNabi
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Actually, there are already town employees taking care of it, and one former physician who now walks around cleaning the streets as well. Besides, there is already a homeless shelter 3 blocks from my place in the heart of town. Gives the pan-handlers easy access to the rest of town and allows the people who have taken up residence there easy access to jobs none of them seem to actually want.
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