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Natural Coals

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hey guys, i'm new to the board and have done a search but can't find anything related to my question... I am wanting to switch to natural coals except my parents don't like me doing it in my house... So I was wondering how well a butane (torch) lighter will work with lighting natural coals.

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i keep a decent size torch lighter for my hookah setup outside and it works fine.... takes maybe 3 minutes to the a full finger of coal burning... let it sit for a moment or two, and then break it up.... i burn it in an old frying pan i found in my truck. keep in mind though... propane aint as cheep as it used to be.... but one bottle lasts forever
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thank you. i just picked up a small butane lighter from my local tobacco store and a pack of kahlua cigars... decided to light one w/ the butane lighter and burnt the damn thing pretty bad hahah. so hopefully it doesn't take too long to light the coals.
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Yea, I'm not sure a small torch lighter will do it. A propane torch would work best. You CAN use a grill, but that works best if you have a small side burner to put the coals on. As others suggested, look into a small single coil burner from walgreens
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if your trying to use a regular butane cigar lighter you are going to be at it for a while. i have a couple and dont want to think about how long it would take to light natural coals with them.. they do work great for quicklights though!

i use a heavy duty propane torch
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