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Question About Coals

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Ok so I hit up the coal review section and I still am not sure about a few things.

When I first bought my hookah I got some Swiftlite coals (a whole box actually) and those seem to be ok. After reading in the review section I wanted to try some natural coals so I went to the only place in Atlanta I know of that actually has hookah stuff (Mediterranean bakery) but they only had the lump style natural coals but they did have three kings which I read about as being pretty good so I bought a box of those.

I still am thinking about natural coals but the coconaras seem to be pretty pricy. There are some other coconut coals avaible that are cheaper it seems, and are formed into tabs.

So I guess my question is, is there that much of a difference between the 3Ks and the coconut based coals? I am not as concerned about inhaling shisha smoke as I am whatever is coming off the coal. The 3Ks definately taste better than the Swiftlites I think and if they are actually pretty good I'll probably stick with them I guess.

Anyway, shouldn't a 3K coal and a natural coal be basically the same thing except for the gun powder coating to start them? Just ground up charcoal pressed into a disk form in stead of a brick?
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Natural coals area llways going to be better than any QL [Quick Light]

I would recommend exotica's and other's like the coconut coals.

QL's I only use as a last-minute quick finish kinda coal.

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You can use lump coals it is just that there is a different method in lighting them as apposed to other natural coals. For Lump charcoal I would advise to get a surface you dont care about scorching (such as a metal tray) and a coffee can with the bottom cut out. Take a little larger than average coals and place them in the bottom of the coffee can and place average sized coals on the top. Squirt some lighter fluid on that bad boy and light it up. Once the coals on the top are red hot use those for your bowl and let the big ones sit around for a bit and by the time ur done using the smaller ones the big ones will be nice and ready. This is what a friend of mine uses to light her coals and the shit works great. If you dont want to use that route just buy natural coals such as Exoticas or Coco Naras. I prefer Coco Nara coals but I have yet to try Exoticas and probably wont as it seems like they ash a lot and Coco Nara coals ash very very little. To light those other kind of coals just use an electric coil stove or a propane stove.
However....if you want to use quicklights 3 kings are def. the way to go.
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Once you try it, you'll taste the difference.

All I used to smoke was QLs. I didn't smoke very often so I would buy a roll from my local and thought of it as an above average experience.

Then my local got a bag of natural wood coals.

I had never seen much about them online and he was asking for 20 for the bag, but I figured what the hell. There is over 2 lb of coals in the bag, I won't need to buy any coals again for at least 4-5 months.

I picked them up and used them. Had trouble lighting them at first, so i used a QL while they cooked. Once they got hot, I moved the QL off and put on the lump coal. Wow dude, it's such a difference.

I found the smoke was smoother and thicker without pulling nearly as hard, and the taste was better, without sacrificing anything. The exact same bowl was so much better.

If you don't want to buy Cocos, then just go with the natural coals at your local.
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I recently tried naturals for the first time, and I can honestly tell you I do not ever plan to use QLs again unless I am desperate, the difference is VERY noticeable, and I must say, the naturals last alot longer, impart no flavor to the shisha, and I've never gotten a headache from them (which I would sometimes from the QLs). I've not tried coco-naras but I have some japanese coals right now that are not expensive at all and they work wonderfully. Good luck finding some close, I told our local shop all about hookahs, they had some but they didn't really know alot about hookah stuff. Now they give me free shisha and stuff from time to time because I have helped them become more knowledgable about hookahs. I told them about the natural coals and they ordered some (the japanese ones I am using now).
If your local shop doesn't have naturals, tell them to order some because they are WAY above QLs

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ok i just bought a box of 84 coconaras from HS.com using the free shipping code.

Thanks for the heads up on the shisha deal, but I don't really need that much around. I already have more than I need. smile.gif

My gas stove should light it just fine, right?
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QUOTE (piperjason @ Aug 3 2008, 02:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ok i just bought a box of 84 coconaras from HS.com using the free shipping code.

Thanks for the heads up on the shisha deal, but I don't really need that much around. I already have more than I need. smile.gif

My gas stove should light it just fine, right?

When I try to use a gas stove at my buddies house, it was HELL, seriously HELL, took like 20 min to light a coal and they didn't light fully. Honestly if you want the best experience buy this ...


9.99 and free shipping, seriously buy it and you will not regret it, it takes about 4 min on both sides and mine get nice and bright red, that is what you need or something like it for an ultimate experience of the cocos. The problem with a gas stove is the flame comes out and to the side, so when you sit the coals on your grill top or directly on the middle piece where no flame comes out, it only heats up the sides of the coal, you want the coals to sit directly on a red hot burner to heat the coals from bottom to top.

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QUOTE (mattarios2 @ Aug 3 2008, 01:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (piperjason @ Aug 3 2008, 02:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ok i just bought a box of 84 coconaras from HS.com using the free shipping code.

Thanks for the heads up on the shisha deal, but I don't really need that much around. I already have more than I need. smile.gif

My gas stove should light it just fine, right?

When I try to use a gas stove at my buddies house, it was HELL, seriously HELL, took like 20 min to light a coal and they didn't light fully. Honestly if you want the best experience buy this ...


9.99 and free shipping, seriously buy it and you will not regret it, it takes about 4 min on both sides and mine get nice and bright red, that is what you need or something like it for an ultimate experience of the cocos. The problem with a gas stove is the flame comes out and to the side, so when you sit the coals on your grill top or directly on the middle piece where no flame comes out, it only heats up the sides of the coal, you want the coals to sit directly on a red hot burner to heat the coals from bottom to top.


I've been using gas burner, I light the burner, get the coals started, then when I finish setting up the hookah I come turn off the burner, turn the coals over and switch the side they are facing the flames on, turn in back on for a min or two and they are lit. I must say, the electric sounds like it would work better, I think I'll go get one soon, there is a walgreens very close by. Does using the gas burner put gas into the coals? I cannot taste any but I would think the electric would prevent that happening as well.
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Using a gas burner will not impart a taste on the coals...I use one and it is just fine. I realize there is an issue for lighting coals on a gas burner and you need a metal grill of some sort to make the most out of your burner. I suggest an 80 or 120mm fan grill like the stuff that are on computer fans or power supplies, they work really well you can get them cheap from what I hear and they will last a good amount of coal lightings before they get too deformed to use right. (I have not found a place that sells the metal grills yet as I just pulled one of a fan of mine)
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QUOTE (Zyram @ Aug 3 2008, 02:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mattarios2 @ Aug 3 2008, 01:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (piperjason @ Aug 3 2008, 02:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ok i just bought a box of 84 coconaras from HS.com using the free shipping code.

Thanks for the heads up on the shisha deal, but I don't really need that much around. I already have more than I need. smile.gif

My gas stove should light it just fine, right?

When I try to use a gas stove at my buddies house, it was HELL, seriously HELL, took like 20 min to light a coal and they didn't light fully. Honestly if you want the best experience buy this ...


9.99 and free shipping, seriously buy it and you will not regret it, it takes about 4 min on both sides and mine get nice and bright red, that is what you need or something like it for an ultimate experience of the cocos. The problem with a gas stove is the flame comes out and to the side, so when you sit the coals on your grill top or directly on the middle piece where no flame comes out, it only heats up the sides of the coal, you want the coals to sit directly on a red hot burner to heat the coals from bottom to top.


I've been using gas burner, I light the burner, get the coals started, then when I finish setting up the hookah I come turn off the burner, turn the coals over and switch the side they are facing the flames on, turn in back on for a min or two and they are lit. I must say, the electric sounds like it would work better, I think I'll go get one soon, there is a walgreens very close by. Does using the gas burner put gas into the coals? I cannot taste any but I would think the electric would prevent that happening as well.

No the gas is burned to create the flame. By the time the flame touches something the gas has already burned to create the flame you are seeing. Gas does not get into the coals.
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