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What hotplate u use for Naturals?

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i bought several bags of Natural calls from little egypt ( El waddy gidid brand) but tryed everything to  light em, last night managed (and smoked like a dream that sweet taste u get in shisha shops is from natural coals) but today cant, i lit mine in stove yesterday took hours literally, today i couldnt, i tryied hotplate, (not coil but flat type ) but hotplate didnt do jack, this is hotplate i used, (its what i use to cook) [img]http://www.snappyhome.com/images/Products/ph_021241013024.jpg[/img]what hot plate u use can u find a pic? how does a hot plate work if direct fire(stove) barley works
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since its winter up her in new england, we make fires in the fire place
alot. I just fetch some burning hot embers thats are glowing all around
and i get the best smoke from that. i dont know what to tell you if you
dont have a fire place.
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[quote name='mushrat']orange plastic bag?
I use a torch to start em and put them in a tray...
 [/quote]im an idiot, patience is all it takes time seems longer when ure staring at something, ryed the hotplate again, 12 mins all coals red hot put em in church style incense waiver poof all nice and white, way better than stove
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