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Rhathaway87 And Forgetulrobot Are Gone

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rhathaway87=rob87 who was the member who told everyone to fuck ourselves back in march. theres too much evidence that they are the same person, dates, posts, ect.

forgetulrobot. he got a suspension for 2-3 days and he was already planning on breaking the rules after he could post again (3 hours left) when confronted he called the person a shitbag. we dont need people like these in this forum.

long story short, if you have any common sense you should be fine. and read the effin rules

and just FYI just because its chat doesnt mean you can get away with it, believe it or not there are logs on this forum.
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still think mine is funnier... hahahaha

Plus Canon reminds me of Slim Pickens

...dang now i want to go rent Dr. Strangelove again....great movie for hookah!
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