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How big is yours?

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There must be something to size, or there would be "one size fits all".There are some really expensive cars  on the market which are big enough for only the driver.
Is this the question of questions? What is the difference (besides material and price) between the Large size Hookah, Medium and Small?
Is it a matter of using a smaller one when you travel?
What is the difference in the smoke between the sizes?You get more  water.Does it cool better?Does smoke going down the pipe of a long stem into the water also cool more or not? Kahlaan Fahdi, which makes for the coolest, smoothest smoke?Thanks.   Sheeshabum
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This has been discussed many times. Try searching for "hookah size" or something... you should get a few threads.As a general rule, anything 14-16" and larger will smoke approximatly the same, though much depends on the ID(internal diameter) of the tubing and hose of the hookah as far has how difficult the draw is. Good/thick smoke can be produced from any air tight hookah... Its all in the set up. I have even gotten my 7" brass baby hookah to produce decent smoke, but the largest complaint with tiny hookahs is that it gets warm/hot.Some will argue that a longer stem, and thus more velocity in the smoke will condense it more. I smoked my 24" egyptian side by side to my friends 36" Syrian "chiller", and they were nearly identical in taste, temperature, ect.
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[url="http://hookahforum.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=1566&KW=mini"] [url="http://hookahforum.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=1566&KW"]http://hookahforum.com/forum/forum_posts.a...asp?TID=1566&KW[/url][/url] =mini

This is the only thread that I could find dedicated to the topic you
brought up, but it has been discussed many times before in other
threads, so if you need more info, try skimming through a few pages
back for more.

As how I feel, I only like to use my smaller egyptian only when I'm
taking it to a friends house. Its a 18". Its sort of a hassle to bring
my larger 36" when trasnporting. So in that way, it is nice to have a
small hookah for traveling purposes, but if I'm at home, I prefer to
use the 36". The 36" has a much larger chamber capable of holding more
water/smoke, and I feel it does infact help improve sessions.

Even if I use my same large bowl that I use with the 36" but on my 18,
I can't seem to get the same amount of much smoke, but the
taste/harshness is all the same.

These are just from my own personal experiences. Other people may very.
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Out of the three syrians I have, measuring at 23, 26 and 34, I'd have to say that the 26" is the best. Maybe because it's the one with the diffuser and that helps in giving good smoke, or just because I've lost my marbles!It's measured from the bottom of the base to the top (before the head? I would assume.)I guess that kind of proves that larger vases don't really mean that much, they technically can ALL smoke amazingly, you just have to know exactly how each one smokes with whichever circumstances.Good luck ;)Jon
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