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Just got a double clay bowl!

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I ordered a double clay bowl for a few quid off ebay & just got it a few days ago. I know the reviews aren't all that but I thought I'd just try it and see if I find a liking for it- I mean I didn't spend heaps on it or anything and I quite like the concept of mixing flavours or just loading up two bowls for a more intense flavour/smoke. I havn't smoked it yet (parents- gotta wait till they're out otherwise I'll get!) but I'll definately try to sneak a smoke in sometime soon and post a review. Here are a few pics:
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I got mine last week, too. I've tried it but it takes some practice to get used to it. Is it one coal per head? How do you make that tinfoil stay down? It's been annoying so far, but we'll see with a few sessions. Oh and the tobacco burns like crazy in it, for whatever reason.Jon
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I like the idea of a double bowl, but don't want to shell out money for
that exact type of double bowl, which seems to be the only one of its

I'm planning on heading over to Home Depot sometime soon and checking
out their plumbing isle. I'm hoping to make a T-shape with piping just
like your double bowl, but with the piping I'm gunna have a valve
between the two, so I can smoke both bowls at the same time, or just
one, then switch the valve over to the other when the first is out.
Might be useful for larger gatherings.

Thanks for sharing your purchase though. Make sure you write a review
on how well it performed if possible. Specifically I want to know how
well it burned both bowls at the same time. Like did one bowl burn
faster than the other or did they both have a nice even burn.
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[quote name='jmexx']Oh  

and the tobacco burns like crazy in it, for whatever reason.


Well from the looks of the pictures provided, the heads don't look to
be that large, and for heads that small, the holes inside look to be
pretty large. Looks like the tobacco would be getting a ton of
air-flow, thus helping it burn faster.

Maybe try poking really small holes? Or just not as many as you
normally do? This might help slow down the air flow, and give you a
slower burn. Just a thought though, since I really am not positive what
the problem is... :)
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I got mine last week, too. I've tried it but it takes some practice to get used to it. Is it one coal per head? How do you make that tinfoil stay down? It's been annoying so far, but we'll see with a few sessions. Oh and the tobacco burns like crazy in it, for whatever reason.Jon
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I have had mine for a while ..  Not a too great of a thing ... It is ok but I would still rather mix the flavors in one big bowl.  Lasts longer and alot less work, isn't the idea of it to relax and not spend alot of efforts de-ashing and watching the two coals if done or not ... etc.
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I guess it'd be cool to NOT have to get up. You can have two bowls ready, cover one so the holes are covered. Just start the second head when the first one's out.Other then that, it's fun to make crazy mixes. It's a little easier to manage the flavours, if one of the mixes is too strong, you just move the coal more off to the side. I don't know, it has its perks.Jon
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