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Just had a 2 apples nakhla....

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[quote name='iheartvarg1']here here! theres too much nakhla-hating around here. nakhla dapple is still my favorite dapple flavor, and their peach is easily in my top 5 favorites :) gooooo nakhla![/quote]Yeah...I don't see what the big problem with Nakhla is, it's the most common brand and of course there are [i]some[/i] better varieties but for a 1 hour smoke, Nakhla really hits the spot
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I'm sure a lot of the nahkla hate comes from people who look at two
different types ot tobacco, Nahkla and Al Fahker. One costs 5.99 and
the other 12.99. So obviosuly, Al Fahker MUST be better because it
costs more....WRONG! People just have different tastes/preferences...

I think my favorite Nahkla flavors are Melon, and believe it or not,
cherry... The cherry is strong as hell, and if you get it too hot and
burn, its hard to recover, but damn is it tasty ;)
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[quote name='ioannisds']I wasn't bashing Nakhla because of price, etc. 
Their double apple is just so heavy on the anise that I can't take
it.  Jeeeez... [/quote]

Oh for sure, wasn't talking about you Ioannisds ;)

But you know the people I'm talking about. Nahkla, Eww! More specifically, ahem...Mathazar..*cough*
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Well, I guess I shouldn't bash Mathazar, he might just not like nahkla.
But its hard to say with all his recomendations for Romman.. He hated
everything if it wasn't Romman or AF it seemed like, and made sure
everyone else thought the same way he did. We should all just smoke
what we like the taste of, not because we think its better because its
more expensive.

Anywoo, to be honest, I'm not a fan of Nahkla 2apples because of the anise, but I do like quite a few of their flavors.
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Man, when I tried Al Waha's 2xapple, I thought it was darn strong... I
smoked one bowl of it and gave the rest to a buddy of mine.. Guess I
haven't tried nahkla's 2xapple for quite some time, as all I remember
of it is not being too strong. Guess I should load up another bowl and
give it another shot.

Also, do any of you guys have much experience with 3xapples of any
brand? Do most 3apples have anise, and are just stronger than 2xapple?
I've never tried 3xapples, and was just curious.
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i didnt like amir's 3apple. it just tasted sort of..off to me. don't really know how to describe it. havana makes a decent "special" apple or something. my friend had some, it was pretty enjoyable.nakhla 2apple is VIOLENT, but the heavy anise(and hint of menthol?) give it a really good, defined taste(if you like anise ;) )personally my favorite nakhla flavors are peach and mint(nakhla's mint is unmatched). apricot is good too. i'll go buy a 50 of melon tonight and give it another shot, last time i smoked it, i wasn't too impressed, but theres always user error and bad batches
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huh, i'm starting to think maybe i should give nakhla mint another shot.  last time i smoked it, it made me break out in a cold sweat and gave me bad associations with the taste of mint for some time.  i really enjoyed the cooling nature of the smoke however...
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i dont know about nakhala dapple but AF dapple to put it in the words
of someone on the forum, i forget who- tastes like aneesed balls!

its really heavy on the anise, they might as well call it licorice, i
still smoke it sometimes when i want to get that burn in my lungs.

but for you anise lovers, af double apple, open the box, close it and
leave it like that for a month or so come back, there isnt a trace of

my favorite double apple though is the first flavor i ever smoked,
tabac le prince double apple. fresh, apple and nothing else, pretty
yummy, i guess its the nostalgia that draws me to it.
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aobut this cult business... i would advise against it.
you see, as a young boy, my friend, Fetus McFlarson, was in a deep valley in his life. He mixed with the wrong crowd, picked up hop skotch, and ended up joining some cult. All this, in combinaiton with premature hair loss and a near-fatal accident involving a yo yo and some guacamole, led to disaster.  It took only two weeks for Fetus to realize the error of his ways.... and he learned this the hard way.  Every single member of the cult, including Ronald the Grand Inquisitor, took turns raping McFlarson's pet rock, Steve.
Im sorry that this tragic story was brought to your attention, but i hope that it will be enough to convince you to steer clear from any cult, including those that involve the hookah.
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[quote name='ahc87']aobut this cult business... i would advise against it.
you see, as a young boy, my friend, Fetus McFlarson, was in a
deep valley in his life. He mixed with the wrong crowd, picked up hop
skotch, and ended up joining some cult. All this, in combinaiton with
premature hair loss and a near-fatal accident involving a yo yo and
some guacamole, led to disaster.  It took only two weeks for Fetus
to realize the error of his ways.... and he learned this the hard
way.  Every single member of the cult, including Ronald the Grand
Inquisitor, took turns raping McFlarson's pet rock, Steve.
Im sorry that this tragic story was brought to your attention,
but i hope that it will be enough to convince you to steer clear from
any cult, including those that involve the hookah.[/quote]
what the hell?

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[quote name='ahc87']aobut this cult business... i would advise against it.
you see, as a young boy, my friend, Fetus McFlarson, was in a deep valley in his life. He mixed with the wrong crowd, picked up hop skotch, and ended up joining some cult. All this, in combinaiton with premature hair loss and a near-fatal accident involving a yo yo and some guacamole, led to disaster.  It took only two weeks for Fetus to realize the error of his ways.... and he learned this the hard way.  Every single member of the cult, including Ronald the Grand Inquisitor, took turns raping McFlarson's pet rock, Steve.
Im sorry that this tragic story was brought to your attention, but i hope that it will be enough to convince you to steer clear from any cult, including those that involve the hookah.[/quote]
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