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Well ...almost anyways help me please [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/22-1-Hose-BLUE-KING-TUT-Authentic-Egypti"]http://cgi.ebay.com/22-1-Hose-BLUE-KING-TU...uthentic-Egypti[/url] an-Hookah_W0QQitemZ7736815703QQcategoryZ10911QQssPageNameZWD 1VQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItemWhat do you think?? Is it Worth iT?Are the Hoses Washable??Does any1 have This Kind of hookah?Does it hit good?Do you think itll hit Good ..as in thick smoke and alot of it?Is this guy legit????
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Let me just say firstly that those hoses are pretty crappy... If you
buy that hookah, be prepared to spend 15 bucks buying 2 mya hoses, and
no, those don't look to be washable. They look like typical, cheap

Is it worth it? Maybe, maybe not. If it's airtight, then I think you
should be fine, but to be honest, 20 bucks doesn't seem to be that
much, and you know the saying, you get what you pay for.

I've never used ebay, but from what I hear, check his feeback. You
really don't want to order anything from anyone on ebay unless they
have excellent feedback, and a minimum of over 100 transactions, bare
minimum. Its best if they have done hundreds of transactions, but I've
heard 100 is the minimum.

Any hookah that is airtight should hit just fine, but thats the nice
thing about ordering a hookah from socialsmoke.com. If somethings wrong
with the hookah, then you can just get it replaced. Will you be able to
get reimbursed if it turns out to be crap? That should be important.

Take some of these things into consideration when purchasing.
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