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I used to do it that way up until about two weeks ago...it doesn't seem to make THAT much difference, though I do prefer foil.

Note that I've been smoking for less than a month and probably don't
know what I'm talking about...even though it's a matter of taste.
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I have done it before .. Tombak is nasty .. But a Buzz of a lifetime ..
Coal right on a huge Bowl.. when I say Huge I mean HUUUUUUUUUUUGE ...
you would think 50 gms at least for each of the bowls...
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It's kinda like when you're baking cookies.  Sure you could put the dough right on the hot rods in the oven or right on the rack.  They'd cook and you could eat them, but they'd probably burn and not taste all the great.  Foil is the cookie sheet that helps "bake" the ma'assel.
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I have gone both ways. Er, I mean, I have used foil and not used foil...I MEAN used foil on a head and not used foil on a....Oh crap.Let me start again. I have smoked bowls with foil and smoked bowls without. It was not uncommon practice seven or eight years ago to do without foil. Screens hadn't even made the scene. I have found that it makes a small difference, the only disadvantage being the heat transfer seems to be a little poorer without foil, making heating up the bowl more of a challenge and making it overheat a little easier. Foil (although I haven't used a screen very much...when I first developed my bowls, screens were still not "in" and my bowls were far too large for the screens on the market), but not screens, seem to distribute the heat better.
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Sometimes towards the end of a smoke, when the coals get a bit small and the smokes becomes thin, I might remove the foil and drop whats left of my coals on to whats left of my tobacco. The smoke gets really dense and tops me off nicely.  This is not a regular habit, usually only when I have a flavor I'm really enjoying and just don't want to put the
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[quote name='nuschultz']So, do you prefer a screen or foil?  I have heard  that using foil can lead to health issues (Alzheimers I believe?)[/quote] I want to say that was because of the alloys in the tin, and I want to say that is no longer the case.I however realize I don't know for sure, so instead of passing it on as internet hearsay, I'm going to answer you with a confident 'I doubt it'.
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in my town there is a very strong and persistent rumor that smoking with aluminum will give you alzheimers.  also, that antiperspirants have aluminum in them too, and can cause alzheimers.  i don't think any of it's true, but it's one of those huge things that sticks with me because that's what EVERYONE says around here, and has for years.  actually i'm gonna go look it up ;p
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