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Just Purchased W/ Pics

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So, before this purchase, my current smoke was a no name egyptian, around 18". My friend loved it so much, he went out and purchased a brand new mya, to later realize he doesn't love it as much as he thought he did. He sold it to me for $50, so I figured it would be a step up from my current setup. He also gave me the shisha and coals, although i'll probably stick to my threekings, with the purchase as well. My camera is currently down but here are some pics of one that looks exactly like it, same color too haha & it's about 24" tall. Well, Just lookin to see if you guys think it was money well spent, or should I have saved it for something else. My hookah was gettin pretty hammered and I had planned on picking up another one soon.
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A wood replacement sleeve? I tried a quick search, but nothing came up. Thanks for the replies guys. I've also ordered online a razan hose, vortex bowl (still plan on getting the phunnel though), a box of 3kings, and about 750g of shisha: AF, layalina, and Starbuzz. Any tips on the setup with the vortex, I've read around and it seems all pretty much do 3 rings around the outside, and 2 or 3 coals opposite eachother, depending on the coals and shisha. Now, where it starts to differ is how it's packed. Some go below the holes on the inside, some right to it, and some above. I plan to experiment when I get it, and I know thats what you have to do for the most part anyways, just looking for what you guys suggest. Thanks again for all the help, Brandon.
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does the bottom of the vase have a sticker that says made in romania? if so its cheap glass. someone was selling those (had a bunch of them) on ebay of really cheap but they were romanian glass.
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It smokes great, especially compared to my no-name egyptian. I'm getting a lot thinker smoke now, but i think that's mainly due to the experience I've gained since then. It has all of the mya stuff on it right now, but I can't wait for my razan hose and vortex bowl to get here in a couple days. And that wood sleve does look pretty cool.
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