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Rather Obvious Tip About Tealight Phunnel Mod

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Hey everyone havent been posting much recently cuz I just turned the smoking down all the way. Anyway I took my first session in a few weeks today using a tealight-modded phunnel bowl. Took a few hits, nice and smooth, then disgusting. Turns out that instead of peeling out the candle, I (must have in a tired stupor) melted the candle down and failed to remove all the wax residue. Now this wax residue when vaporized can go and clog the pores in your lungs, effectivly killing you over time. I wouldnt want anyone to win a darwin award for constantly breathing wax residue so i just decided to post this obvious fact in case someone didnt realise it.
best way to avoid is to buy REALLY cheap tealights so you can just pull the candle out or use a knife and full on pry the metal from it.
again, obvious as hell just trying to watch out for hookah forum members.
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