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best prices

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well I didn't really check all the prices but I can tell you that I visited smoking-hookah.com and when I chatted with the operator he offered me two extra tobacco packs and a double clay bowl for free with a hookah purchase so I think that you can negotiate with him and get some great discount offers...
but I'll the other sites too, maybe they have great offers too...
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[quote name='danielp']he offered me two extra tobacco packs and a double clay bowl for free with a hookah purchase[/quote]My fellow wholesalers/retailers are watching...I can't tell you how low the wholesale is on that...they threatened me...I'm scared! If I were to offer you, lets say a small lunch bag of Ruffles, when you purchased a hookah, would you consider that a deal? Thats about the value of what you are being offered. Here's my advice:Find out from other people on this site which retailers have the best service. Then find what you want, look around and find the best price. Be careful! Some companies, lets say Nour, who I am familiar with, package their Pipes with accessories...in the case of the dolphin hookah, a poker, two bowls, four gaskets, hose and a few other things. Retailer #1 might offer you the pipe for lets say 50 scheckels and include everything that was supposed to come with the hookah. Retailer #2 might be only charging 45 scheckels, but not include everything or even not include anything! So, now you have to pay the equivalent of 15 or 20 scheckels to get the accessories the first retailer was going to give you for only five scheckels. Compare price and whats included. If they're willing to throw something in for free, its likely they have to because of a promotional agreement or it's supposed to come with the item. Either way, compare price and what comes with it. Be specific and make your online retailer be specific and accountable, too.
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for the absoulute cheapest price i've found, use caravan imports on ebay. www.caravansarai.com i think. they have great quality pipes and include all the accessories most places do. great service and fast communication. their stems arent solid though, if that bothers you. not really a big deal, but a nice solid stem is nice
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i think part of the problem with negotiating is that in many countries (like the ones hookahs are prevalent in and the ones from which many hookah dealers come from) haggling is an every day part of the purchase process.  americans do not see things the same way, and they know it, so they "pretend" to negotiate and really offer horrendously awful deals.  it's common in pawn shops,etc in new york city; i once tried to buy a pair of speakers for my portable cd player.  i was quoted a price of 120 dollars, to which i promptly replied, "never mind!"they followed up with, well, for you i could do 80.  i flat out rejected every price they gave me , in fact i told them i didn't even want the things, until i was about to walk out the door and they offered to sell them for 10 bucks.  this was still probably a ripoff, but it's obscene how sometimes "negotiating" is really just getting one outrageous price after another.  because many hookah companies are owned by people from the middle east, they seem to view many american customers as naieve and gullible.  be a smart consumer, and you'll have no problems.  just look for the best price on something that you can find, and if you can't find a good price, DO NOT BUY unless you can barter down to something that's reasonable.i've ranted far too long, time to go smoke a hookah.
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