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Mya bowl from Spencer’s Gifts

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Has anyone else had a problem with the Mya bowls breaking easily or was it a fluke that mine broke 3 days after I got it?
I kept my receipt of course and will be returning it for a refund. Upon closer examination, these things are pretty thin and cheap looking.
Ok...i feel better now.
Oh..anyone ever tried these? I'm getting some Romman and thought I might throw a few in just to make it worh the shipping...
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I've actually seen two of the bowls included with MYA hookahs break. They smoke great though and I like the shape of the bowl inside.On a side note: I dropped a Tangiers bowl last week while I was walking through my house (wood floor), and it didn't break. Those things are strong.
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I just bought 2 extra Mya bowls with the QT I ordered, and they seem to be fine.  In fact, they look exactly the same as those in the link you posted above mushrat.  I haven't abused them much yet, but I'll let you guys know if I have any trouble.  By the way mushy, did it break when you went to put it on the stem?  I had a bowl do that recently, although it wasn't a Mya.
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Brad: lucky you didn't drop that sucker on your foot...could have easily broken something...and I do NOT mean the bowl.
Ioan:Ya, it was while putting it on the stem. Only the second time it was used too...
I guess I won't get some of those bowls if they are mya's. If I want more of them I'd pay a little less at Spencers and save the shipping...
  Oh well..the search continues...Thanks Brad and Ioan!
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yeah those heads are apparently great heads, but fragile as hell. I had a friend who had one, glued it together to save it and it still smoked good until he got a new one.i had one that came in a package but it broke in transit it was so fragile (completely shattered!)
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[quote name='mushrat']Has anyone else had a problem with the Mya bowls breaking easily or was it a fluke that mine broke 3 days after I got it?
I kept my receipt of course and will be returning it for a refund. Upon closer examination, these things are pretty thin and cheap looking.
Ok...i feel better now.
Oh..anyone ever tried these? I'm getting some Romman and thought I might throw a few in just to make it worh the shipping...
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Very great support Mya! Well done ;)

As for pushing too hard, it could be very possible that Mush is using a
rubber grommet that differs from the ones you distribute with your
hookahs, so that could be the reason for him needing to push extra hard.

I have a couple different types of bowls (clay and ceramic) that fit
better with different grommets, but the ones that don't fit that well,
you honestly have to give it some force or else it just wobbles off.

Ever since I broke a clay bowl in the same way Mush did by pusing down
too hard, I now hold the bowl not by the bowl part, but at the bottom
and I twist it down to avoid putting too much pressure on it, and this
seems to work well.

Maybe you should throw in one of your brands grommets with the bowl you send Mush so it might hold better.

Regardless, good looking out Mya. You run a very reputable company and take great care of its customers. Cheers!
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Mya: I appriciate your continued offeres to make good on your products, but this is a very small matter and not worth the time it would take..I know your general quality is quite high and don't mind taking it back to the local place. Thanks though.
Tangiers: I got the Mya bowl so I could keep the beautiful one you sent me exclusivly for your Ma'asell. I like to keep seperate bowls for both hookahs to use on your stuff. Plus I'm still having to use foil on your head as I havent had an hour to bang out a screen ans I find I'm still having a little trouble with the heat.....
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Well, normally i use bulk natural chunks...and I think I may have better luck with those. I ran out and had to resort to a finger type called al-kameh (i think that's right) which is what my local cafe uses. Not sure if those are the problem...
I've stocked up on the Bulk last night so hopefully everything will be back to normal. I purchased a 250 of the Raspberry so now I have enough to really experiment with.
Most of the time I can get your stuff going just fine.
damn but i hate foil...
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