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All Hail Tangiers!

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[quote name='tjt486']I still say you should venture to open a lounge around
here.  Im so dissatisfied with the lounges in my area.  I have played
with the idea of opening one myself, but I would have no idea what I
was doing.[/quote]

If you got the money, I got the consulting services and the tobacco.
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Yeah, tax the hell out of you and inspire guys to write books on how to get government grants if you're underwater llama farm experiences a loss of business due to Peruvian terrorist attacks. SBA loans are possible...a lot of red tape and work just to get to the point where they get the chance to reject you. The governement is largely run by politicians who are the lackeys of the rich and the corporations. They don't want competition, so the government is interested in helping. Staking out private investors may be the best bet.
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