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Natural Coals?

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Well, first I would use a coal tray...that ash is a mess.

Second, call these natural coals, a learning curve, not sure but I am pretty sure those aren't that great.

Third Break them into 1 inch chunks or so depending on the bowl size.

Fourth Light them on the stove, only way to do it. Make sure they are lit all the way through.

Fifth, mail me your monopoly PJ bottoms.
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I imagine you break them up (or saw them up with a serrated steak knife) into 1 or 1.5 inch pieces, throw them on the burner of the stove until WELL lit. They should be on fire. Then place them on your bowl. You will have to experiment to find the optimum heat for your smoke. That's the plus side of cutting them with the knife, as you can be consistent.

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