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I was curious about this. Im currently enjoying a bowl of Tangiers Cooling/Rasberry in my stargate, and I noticed something.I dont like to exhale with my eyes closed. I've noticed that while I exhale, no matter what, I nearly always watch the smoke exiting my lips. Even while im not attempting to puff rings or anything of the sort. Its quite mesmerizing to watch.Do all of you do that? Do you close your eyes? Not pay attention?
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At least half the fun of it all comes from watching what the smoke does when you exhale it.

I find that when I close my eyes to focus on the music I'm listening to
at the time it actually deters from the hookah experience...weird, huh?
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I have some really strange sleep patterns, (borderline sonambulism) I used to smoke, before I'd fall asleep and sometimes, I'd knock the hookah over when I rolled over, I'd always wake up immediately to pick up before the water spilled on the floor. Yeah, that was slightly off-topic.
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well that was strange...i clicked on one topic and it opened another....my last post made no sense whatseover.  But while I'm here, I think the reason the smoke dissapates the longer you hold it in is because while it' in your lungs the oxygen is pulled out or something like that....Don't know for sure, it's been a while since i took biology.
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Its not the oxygen you see in your smoke, its the particulate matter like burnt carbon from the sugars and burning tobacco. All the stuff that DAMAGES your lungs when you smoke.  (oversimplified, im sure Tangiers will elaborate.) Short version is you don't WANT that crap in your body any longer than you have to...exhale.
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Elaborate. I can't say. Off the top off my head, I...still don't know. Sorry. Even Superman had Kryptonite. Why he would be supceptible to luggage, I can't say. I don't know why it wouldn't come back out unless the glycerine refluxed back into a liquid. Maybe it seeps out your nose and you don't realize it. Try it while holding your nose. Thats what I tell alot of girls I know, anyways.I can say that the tobacco doesn't burn in a hookah. When glycerine is present, it boils before (and Propylene Glycol or Ethanol) the tobacco can burn (at a lower temperature). It is roughly analogous to putting a wet log in a fireplace and trying to get it to burn...it will keep going out until all the water is boiled away. By the way, Mushy, when we burn carbon, we call it carbon dioxoide . Carbon monoxide if there isn't enough oxygen available. Carbon monoxide is, of course, harmful. Unfortunately, once it goes into your lungs it will readily bind to your red blood cells, so almost none will come back out, holding your breath or not.
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