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Water + Beer in the base?

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haha!!!mr.bubbles its good to see another fellow ouzo drinker.im greek so it kinda comes with my culture..ill have to try it some time.and i leave my ouzo and vodka in the freezer when its not in use.alcohol doesnt freeze so it you wont have too worry about getting a big ice  cube of ouzo(or vodka for that  matter).im pretty sure anything 70 proof+ wont freeze.
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Fellas I was just teasing about the everclear and water comment. I think the combination would ruin my enjoyment of hookah for the rest of my days. But how bout... with strawberry shisha - Strawberry Orange juice?  or snapple or whatever?I thought my hookah was going to be here today... and of course I'm sad and depressed at the fact that it's not.Guess it's time to hit that bottle of Everclear and drown my sorrows!
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Juices do work well in the base, moreso than alcohol in my IMO. Some
have argued that putting carbonated drinks in the base is a bad idea,
but I really enjoyed my session with cola ma'assel with pepsi in the
base. At first it was really strong due to the carbonation, but it
wears off quickly, leaving a very nice, strong cola taste.
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[quote name='surfpico']Fellas I was just teasing about the everclear and water
comment. I think the combination would ruin my enjoyment of hookah for
the rest of my days.  [/quote]

Speaking of ruining enjoyment, I would most definitely recommend
against smoking hookah the day after a solid evening of drinking,
whether you're hung over or not.

I get a lot less of the problems most people do after drinking, but
smoking two bowls of Double Apple really kickstarted it. Just the smell
of it had me keeping clear of the stuff for at least a month...
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yeah don't try beer.

i've been curious as well as to the effects of alcohol in the base, see
if it'll get you drunk without having to choke down shots. i don't have
a problem with shots, just thought it woujld be an interesting

at one point i came across this thing in europe called AWOL or Alcohol
WithOut Liquid...apparently it's some craze where people have alcohol
vaporized with oxygen in a setup similar to hookah, and those who smoke
get some alcohol high. never tried it, maybe will at some point but
we'll see. instead of beer i would think pouring a shot of vodka into
the base might be a better start...hit me up if any of you try it. be
careful...i don't know how true this is but someone told me if you
smoke too much hookah with too much alcohol in the base you'll be drunk
for like 4 days or something. sounds sketchy to me but you never know..
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The awol systems have been a bust. I remember reading about a place in NYC that had them that didn't keep them long. Most states have made them illegal and I read a few articles that say it wasn't much of a buzz anyway.
As for the drunk for 4 days..alchohol metabolizes at a constant rate, I believe the level of drunkenness you would have to achieve to stay drunk for 4 days afterward would likely be lethal.
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Dont put anything but water in your vase(maybe ice). I know ppl that
put sliced fruit, juice, tea, all kinds of random things in there
hookah vase but its pointless. It doesnt really add flavor and it just
makes your hookah more of a pain in the ass to clean. The beer will get
all sticky and nasty all in your stem and i highly doubt beer+fruity
shisha would go good together anyways. Also it would fizz up a lot and
just wouldn't be good at all. The hookah already tastes good no need to
ruin that. 
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