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Advice for a Hookah Addict

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  I wanted to know if someone could give me some advice on this
subject. My campus does not allow a hookah to be smoked on campus or
for me to even having one. They feel that it looks too much like drug
paraphenalia. I think this is very ignorant, as you all know hookahs
have been smoked for thousands of years. It is part of my lifestyle.
Before I came to school I would smoke about 10-12 bowls a day and
frequently visited hookah bars. In upstate NY they shut down all hookah
bars a few years ago due to anti smoking laws. I dont smoke cigarettes,
I dont smoke cigars, I dont do drugs and this is what I smoke. Should I
write a letter to the dean and try to get special permission? Write in
the newspaper? What kind of things should I include in my letter or
email? Any input would be greatly appreciated.

I must add that students who prefer to roll there own cigarettes are
gladly given a written permission to have rolling papers on campus. If
security ever sees rolling papers in your dorm you show them that
letter and your aye ok, this is what I want for my shisha. Thanks
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Well for me, I go to a private school with the same rules as yours,
considering hookah drug paraphanalia, but because its a private school,
they can make any rules they want, and we have to accept it. I just
smoke in my room only, and not outside.

If you think you can pull this off, I can point you to a thread that
was posted a while back for someone needing tips on smoking in their
dorm room. I pulled this off for a year and a half with no major
issues, and now I'm living on an oncampus apartment so I don't have to
worry about RAs anymore.

Oh and p.s. 10-12 bowls a day? Christ almighty... How long were each of these sessions?
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HAHA yes man all my buddies tell me I need to cut the hookah down but
its always right in front of me and I cant resist lol. Each of my
sessions probably about an hour or so but it is passed around between
2-3 other ppl sometimes more. Well as far as in my dorm id be pretty
paranoid there are smoke detectors and the smell i think would spread.
I do know people who smoke cigs in there dorm with a combination of
fans and such. I wouldnt mind readin that thread. 
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One thing i forgot to add, I have been told if a hookah is found it is
considered drug paraphenalia no matter what which means immediate
expulsion from the school. Something I am not willing to risk. If
anything id wanna figure out a way to set a hookah up in my car and
just drive around smoking shisha. Hookahs are getting more and more
popular i wish administration would understand. The major problem is my
school is unique being that there are ALOT  of tourists who come
to visit and eat at the restaurants on campus(culinary school) they
gawk and think we are the greatest ppl ever, seeing them sitting
outside smoking what looks like to them a bong would ruin the
"professionalism" obsession the school has with its students. 
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I USED to smoke 10-12 bowls a day obviously I dont have time anymore
now that im in school. Before I was just a hermit crab without a job
sitting up in my room pretty much all day. I would go over other ppls
houses and they would be smoking shisha. Nowadays one or 2 bowls a day
would be more then enough. I had a lot of shisha smoking friends back
home but up at college ppl think im crazy when i mention shisha there
like a hookah with tobacco?? yourrr weirrddd lol. 
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id at least write a letter to the dean explaining your position... what do you have to loose? i would think that, after explaining the history/ cultural significance, the rules  could be bent for you (especially if you mention those who are allowed to smoke hand rolled cigarettes)
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Ok well here are all the threads in which people inquire about smoking
in their dorms, all of which I've posted in and given pretty much the
same advice, so here ya go:

[url="http://hookahforum.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=1758&KW=dorm+room"] http://hookahforum.com/forum/forum_posts.a...asp?TID=1758&KW[/url] =dorm+room

[url="http://hookahforum.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=1809&KW"]http://hookahforum.com/forum/forum_posts.a...asp?TID=1809&KW[/url] =dorm+room

[url="http://hookahforum.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=1500&KW"]http://hookahforum.com/forum/forum_posts.a...asp?TID=1500&KW[/url] =dorm+room://http://hookahforum.com/forum/forum_... =dorm+room

So like I said, my school is really very similar to yours in their
rules on the hookah being drug paraphanelia. If you want to argue with
them, let them know that if they want to ban hookah as drug Par, they
will also have to ban apples, bottles, pen caps, f**king anything! All
of these things plus an infinate amount of other things are considered
drug Paraphanalia. This isn't as strong as baning a hookah, because it
really is just a large bong, but it helps :)

If you have any more questions about smoking in the dorm, go ahead and
ask away, and I'll see if I can help some more. But for now, just
peruse through these threads and see if you can use any ideas, if your
bold enough.

But if it really comes to being kicked out of campus, you just might
have to stick to going to the lounges. Smoking in your car while
driving just isn't a safe hobby... Not worth getting in an accident
over =-/

Good luck, and keep us posted.
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My school also doesn’t allow hookahs in our
dorm.  We can smoke on campus but it can’t be anywhere near the
dorms.  My roommate and me have smoked in my room several times but
realized it isn’t worth the risk.  I hate having to have to keep the
hookah in our trunk.  I am not sure of my schools policy is on rolling
papers but we also want to take a stand against the hookah ban.  If you
have any success I definitely want to know how.
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Hey there Caterpiller, I'm sure there are a few other people at your school that enjoy hookah(for what it's intended for),
it might be a good idea to gather a small group of fellow smokers to
take your rightful greivence to the dean. Safety in numbers, and also i
think you may have a better chance of being taken seriously.

There is a website called the "Sacred Narghile" just do a google search
for it. This website does an excelent job of detailing the history and
cultural significance of out beloved hookah. I say print it out and
present it with your greivence, it makes a fine argument. If other
forms of tabacco use are permited on campus then hookah should be as

You could also make a case for cultural discrimination, but i suggest treading lightly with that one.

You may also suggest a permit system. My friend who also recently
joined the forum attends college in Greensboro NC, he had to register
his hookah but now he can have no problem. It cost 5 bucks though, but
small price to pay if it's your only way to smoke. On a funny side
note, the college uses the same stickers as they use to register
bicycles, so his hookah has a sticker on the bottom of the base that
says "Bike Permit"

I hope some of that help you out, good luck fighting the man.
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Thanks everyone you all have motivated me alot to stand up for my
hookah smoking on campus. I went and spoke to the dean today and he had
no idea what a hookah was. I explained it to him and he asked me alot
of questions in fact he even seemed interested in them. He asked what
it smells like, if its illegal and i explained there are actually
hookah bars and I am planning on opening my own when i graduate. He
said it shouldn't be a problem but he needs to talk to one other dean
and he will call me tommorow for the final word. Wish me luck. 
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I goto the culinary institute of america in hyde park ny. There
extremely big on professionalism and have a major pole stuck up there
A** if you ask me. If you dont properly introduce yourself to someone
before asking a simple question your in big trouble, dont open a door
for someone, arent clean shaven, clothes not ironed, all that stuff you
get demerits. My biggest problem is saying "Yea" instead "Yes" and a
hookah smoked on campus with all the old tourists they dont really like
but i dont fall into the system i get away with as much as i can right
on the edge. I will fight tooth and nail if i feel it is my right. AH
sorry to ramble haha.
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[quote name='PipeSmokeMcGee']The idea of a permit sounds effective but humorous!  haha, Yeah, you've got to fight...for your right...to par-tee!  haha, what the heck is that from?  Some crappy song I think.  Might I ask, what school do you go to, HookahCatapillar?  What about you, Yashman?[/quote]
The Beastie Boys!  C'mon Man!  Gotta know the classics. 
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Exactly, my cousin took a hit of my hookah and she loved it. She asked
me to help her out with starting out her shisha smoking hobby and i
took her to the hookah bar and got her a hookah, shisha, coals, the
whole 9. I taught her how to pack a hookah, clean, etc... turns our she
brought it home and my uncle smashed it out of anger thinking it was a
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