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Research Paper

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Alright, being that they're hard to find, hopefully I can enlist your guys' help here. I need to write a research paper, and I'm doing it on hookah smoking. Do you guys have any particularly good published papers or other legitimate sources that would help my argument along?
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here you go, its a study done in pakistan so it studies tombiek type hookahs but you can probably use some of it as it may aid in an eastern/western study comparison, also check the reader's comments link on the top right of the page for interesting insight into the study


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I did a paper on this a few years back. I cant remember what sources I used to support the argument (due to a crashed harddrive), but I do recall targeting hookah compared to cigarettes, since this information can be relatively easy to find. I wish I could give you these links to sources since I did put up on hell of an argument (A+ baby!)
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I know that Canon has some great information on his computer. When he gets home, I'll make him put it up here for you.

These arn't too scientific, but some great opinions to put into your paper. In your own words of course! smile.gif


Also, I think that you should list whats in a cigarette in comparison to a normal hookah tobacco. Because those sources listed above like to state that "the user is smoking the equivalent of 100 cigarettes" or something along those lines, but without the chemicals purposefully placed in the cigarettes.

Herpes and Hookah/Proper Sanitation:

Hope I have given some ideas for your paper.
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