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Is The Km With Ice Bucket Better Than The Km Without It?

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i heard that the icebucket doesn't really make any difference with the smoking experience... but don't take my word for it, i have still yet to own a KM. but they look good though.
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having the ice chamber is great, although i wont say that the KM chiller is the best ice chamber hookah. If you have a hookah with a screw on top you can get an ice chamber and put it on, and it works just as good as the built in ones.

For extra goodness fill the ice chamber up with water, no ice, and freeze it solid. it lasts longer and is colder.
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I know KM used to have a really nice ice chamber hookah. way nicer than the chiller but i dont know if its still being made. it was brass. i think the chiller is stainless steel. If you have the money then go for it. it really isnt that much better than a regular KM though. just a little cooler of smoke.
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