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and WYteboy hangs up the hose :(

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Well my friends and sort of 2nd family, I come to you tonight with a very  face.  I have now come down with pneumonia for the 2nd time in 6 months.  My body is clearly telling me something: DUDE YOUR LUNGS ARE WEAK!!!!!  Another thing lots of ppl don't know about me (and why would you?) is I was born at 5months and 3 weeks back in 1981 and weighed 1lb 13 oz.  There were a lot of complications with my lungs and breathing on my own and stuff like that, so I think that the body now is telling me something.....
SOOOOO it is with tears that I tell you I am, at least for the long-short-term (does that make sense) quitting hookah....my hookah is a crappy jr 18in one that is prob infected LOL, so I am trashing it.  HOWEVER, I am sending about 1000g worth of various flavors of AF and Tangiers ma'assel to Mushrat ---- sooooo if you guys want samples you can hound him instead of me, hahhhhhaaa .
I have been for a very long time, and still plan to be a very active member of this forum.  I have tried way too many flavors to be safe (click the link) and know a lot (or so I try) about brands, good flavors, hole patterns, etc so I still hope even though I will not be smoking that I have a lot to offer to the forums....
So please all take care, and smoke in GOOD health and relaxation...
One Hookah Love,
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Ahh crap, sorry to hear man... But you gotta do whats best for your
health at the moment. And you never know, maybe later down the road you
could give hookah a try again. But for now, its good that you are being
smart about it.

Glad to hear you will be stickign around the forum though. Take it easy and be safe old man ;)
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hehe thanks yash :)
yeah maybe later I will pick it up again and when I am not too broke, buy an actual decent cool hookah...by then I'd need to know the best starbuzz, tangiers, etc anyway so may as well stick around and read the reviews, heehhhe ;)
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NOOOOOOO!!!!  Not our greatest and most steadfast reviewer of shisha!!
Wyte, I'm sorry to see you having to lay off the hookah for an indefinite, or permanent, amount of time but it seems like you're making the intelligent choice and putting your health first.  Although I'm sure it's going to be somewhat miserable to not be able to indulge, it's a smart move. 
Best wishes for a speedy and total recovery back to full health, bud.
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....resignation from sh sha?its unheard of! this is outrageous!!! if it must be this way wyteboy i urge you to still participate in the forum and hope you get better ASAP!!! who knows? maybe you will overcome  this pneumonia you speak of and restart  your hookah days......im very sorry for you friend ......and with a heavy heart i say farewell i bid thee farewell.....(over dramatic) seriously dude get better so you can enjoy hookah again in  the near future.
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It saddens me greatly to think that you will have to give up that which you love and have spent so much time with Wyteboy 

 You wrote countless truely excellent reviews of ma'assell back
when I was on the Forum more, and I'm sure you have written countless
more since then. I would suggest we all have a moment of silence for
your lungs, but I'm guessing it would be interrupted by the faint sound
of bubbling water from one of us

 But its certainly good to hear that your still going to be
around! Take some time off from smoking if your health requires it, but
please don't be a stranger to the forum.

 I was in a position where I had to take some time away for a while, so I really sympathize with you.

Take care of yourself Wyteboy... and oh... whats your favorite ma'assell these days? I'll be sure to smoke a bowl of it for you
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damn man. youll be missed thats for sure, good luck with everything get better! one day you might get back into it, but keep your health a priority over your hobby, youve only got one life- try and drag it out a little past 30. 
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My daughter had pneumonia last year and it broke my heart watching her suffer like that. So, I can only imagine how you feel as an adult with it. I guess I would do the same as you. Take care of yourself and please do hang around so we can tempt the hell out of you. 
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Dude... I'm sorry. I'll carry the torch (or should I say coal?) for you. Since I am relatively new to the world of hookah - have no fear, Heather's here! I hope you get better soon.Damn pneumonia ... I feel like wrapping my cobra hose around its neck. But then I remember pneumonia doesnt have a neck.
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[quote name='surfpico']Dude... I'm sorry. I'll carry the torch (or should I say coal?) for you. Since I am relatively new to the world of hookah - have no fear, Heather's here! I hope you get better soon.Damn pneumonia ... I feel like wrapping my cobra hose around its neck. But then I remember pneumonia doesnt have a neck.[/quote]Oh, real appropriate! Are you the Heather that's opening her own lounge?
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Hey wyteboy, have you concidered smoking cigars? I've been smoking cigars for about 3 years and I enjoy it very much.You don't inhale cigars, so your lungs aren't affected like with a hookah or cigarettes. When I smoked cigarettes I would get bronchitus or pneunonia at least once a year, but with cigars there has been no problems. 
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Since you are getting pneumonia persistently, I would check where you
live for mold. Check your airducts or any persistent moist places. Many
people get pneumonia from mold and is often a sign of it from what I

More people die from mold than many think, and it causes all kinds of
health problems. My friend who works at a large mortuary picked up a
few kids and 2 younger adults in the 30s due to death from mold in a
two week period.
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[quote name='surfpico']Tangiers - What was so inappropriate about that? Haha... no I am not the Heather who is opening a lounge.I'm young.And broke.And lousy with the hookah.[/quote]young and broke...i like you already...i can relate to that(as i'm sure many members here can)!wyteboy, your reviews were some of the best and helped me out quite a bit...i don't know if i could just quit cold turkey like that, so you are a better man than I! hope your lungs get healed up soon. i'm sure you'll hear the call of the ma'assel again ;)best of luck for a speedy recovery. i'll pour a forty on the curb for you(ok youre not dead, but i will do it anyway, just for the honor)
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[quote name='zzzzzT']Since you are getting pneumonia persistently, I would check where you
live for mold. Check your airducts or any persistent moist places. Many
people get pneumonia from mold and is often a sign of it from what I

More people die from mold than many think, and it causes all kinds of
health problems. My friend who works at a large mortuary picked up a
few kids and 2 younger adults in the 30s due to death from mold in a
two week period.[/quote]we had a huge problem with the black toxic mold that was causing brand damage and whatnot in a TON of cheaply-built stucco houses back when i lived in the woodlands.  a lot of people had to call it a loss and get their entire home redone.  insurnace companies were being their usual selves and not comering most of it...definately check for mold
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[quote name='surfpico']Tangiers - What was so inappropriate about that? Haha... no I am not the Heather who is opening a lounge.I'm young.And broke.And lousy with the hookah.[/quote]The torch quip. Well, it seemed inappropriate at the time. Maybe I'm the one with the attitude problem, damn it!!!
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damn sorry to hear man, ill miss ya around here. Even though I don't post much, I do visit often. Thanks for the reference to Rama Geni, always remember you for that. Best place ever, and I might just drop down there for the Chicken Pita Sandwiches in a couple weeks. Feel better man.
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Thanks all for the wishes!!
I live in a pretty recently remodled apt building, so I dunno about mold but will look into it......
Dam right RodenT, glad you remember me for that!!!  That place rules (though Veni is gettin a bit greedy if you ask me considering the price raises, but oh well, it's still amazing.)
yo Rodent drop me your phone # or something and sometime when I am in LA we can get together....
I plan to maybe get back into hookah later after I have completely healed for a LONG time and feel mentally ok to smoke without the worry of "omg I am getting pneumonia right now LOL"
To whoever asked about cigars, I am the biggest non-smoker to ever love hookah.  never smoked cigs, never smoked cigars, only tried unmentionables a couple of times, but I just LOVE the relaxing taste of hookah and the social times as well...
I'll miss it but hopefully in 2-3 years I could maybe pick it back up....or for Rodent, if I don't buy my own, as long as I move back to LA I can make a trip or two to Rama's every month :) :)
Smoke on everyone, see you around the forums :) :) :)
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