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Should i be worried about massell aging?

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Yashman and Dizzing are both right for sure.

 I keep my ma'assell in it's original bag or wrapping, and then
put that inside a ziplock bag and squeeze all the air out. After that I
put the ziplock bag back inside the original box/jar and store it in a
dresser drawer.
 When storing ma'assell this way I've found it keeps well for
about 2 years. The flavor will degrade a little bit over time though,
and after about a year and a half the flavor is about 3/4s as strong as
it was fresh out of the box. By the time it gets to be 2 years old most
of the flavor is gone and your best off just throwing it out.

 I think a good rule of thumb is to never keep more ma'assell on
hand then you plan on smoking in a year. Unless of course your trying
new flavors and samples from different brands, in which case you can
order and smoke to your heart's (and wallet's) content because your
bound to find a decent ammount of flavors that you probably won't smoke
on a regular basis and will either end up throwing out or giving them
away because they don't suit you.

But, yeah.. what was I talking about? Oh yeah! Keep the ma'assell in
the original bag or wrapping and put that bag/wrap inside a ziplock bag
and put it back in the original box/jar it came in (or in a tupperware
container if you want to keep it super fresh). After that just store it
in a mildly cool and dark place and it should stay good for about a
year or two.

Hope that helps
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There may be a substantial difference between what a manufacturer says is the shelf life and what it actually is. Different brands different flavoring methods. Some remove nicotine, some don't. Some use Molasses or another foundation sweetner that is pasteurizerd, some don't. My recommendation is go with fresh. You noticed that on some packages you can smell the aroma? Thats valuable chemical leaking out. It may be degrading the flavor.
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yeah, i also recommend buying gladware or ziploc brand airtight containers to keep it in.  i have one for each flavor, with a piece of the box taped on as a label.  it's awesome , you can keep it all stirred up, easily air it out, anything you would ever need to do.
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I have one of those "FOOD SAVER" Vaccum sealing systems. I often seperate a 250g tub into 2 halves, put one back in the original container, and vaccum seal the other half. I go through ma'assel very slowly- This way when I've smoked the first half, I can open the second half to find a very fresh and inviting tobacco.Its sometimes difficult with very moist ma'assels though, as it sucks the juice from the tobacco as its trying to seal. Using cellophane usually works to stop this however
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