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Lets trade Ma’assel

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Ok, The other thread got me thinking about this. I'd like to find a few people who are like me, and have much more ma'ssel than they need and find it difficult to make themselves keep buying new flavors because they have so much on hand. Because I only smoke a few times a week, samples work nicely for me. What I'd really like is if someone were to PM me (or post here) with their list, and we can work out a trade deal. Each sample should probably be about 50-100 g's or so, and we will send equal ammounts (though I have no issue with being generous. This forum DESERVES to be given back to) of samples to negate shipping costs and the like. The ma'assel will be sent in packing bags similar to how Tangeris ships his tobacco.I would REALLY like to try AF (The only stuff I have had was AF pineapple, which all the flavor had evaporated.), Starbuzz, and Fumari- but im open to anything that I dont own.Here is a list of all of the ma'assel that I have.Al Amir RasberryAl Amir Caramel AppleAl Amir BlackberryAl Amir Honeydew MelonAl Amir StrawberryAl Waha Mixed fruitAl Waha BananaAl Waha CherryNahkla 2x AppleNahkla GrapeTangiers Kashmir AppleTangiers Kashmir PeachTangiers Lemmon BlossomTangiers RasberryTangiers CoolingTangiers WatermelonPharoh's MangoPlease let me know if you are interested!
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wow!definently intersted but i unfortunately dont own much moassel because i smoke alot.the only  full,unopen box i have is a box of HAVANA double apple,but im sure itll be opened by tomorrow.its a great flavor.....mmmmm.....havana.i know a place though that sells samples(50gm boxes)for 3$.good brands too.maybe ill get some of those and you could trade woith me?
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Apple (Eskandarani) GAF

Apricot AF

Apricot AW

Blueberry T

Caramel FP

Cherry AF

Grape (White) AF

Grape (Red) GAF

Grape AW

Grape FP

Grape R

Guava T

Honey AW

Kiwi FS

Lemon AF

Lemon-Lime T

Melon, Sweet AW

Mint FP

Mint Chocolate Chip FS

Orange AF

Peach (White) FS

Peach R

Peach, Juicy T

Pineapple R

Raspberry R

Root Beer T

Rose AF

Rose GAF

Rose R

Strawberry AF

Strawberry AW

Strawberry, Cool T

Vanilla AW

Vanilla T

Watermelon T

R = RommanT = TangiersI'm not sure which of these I'd want to trade, but let me know if you're interested.
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White peach(fumari)

Passion fruit(fumari)



Black cherry(fumari)


Exotic mango(nahkla)

Cola(al amir)

Rasberry(al amir)



Chocolate mint(nakhla)



Sweet melon(nakhla)

Some of the shisha i have is going to be really hard for me to part
with but if the right trade comes along ill be willing to trade.
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Tangiers:StrawberryGuavaBlack ThornCinammonRed TeaKashmir PeachVanillaAppleWatermelonAl Qemmah:StrawberryAl Fakher:Double AppleGrapeAppleBananaCappucinoMelonStrawberryColaAl Amir:Banana SplitHavana:ColaLayalina:LemonHookah Hookah:OrangeKiwiNakhala:Double ApplePeachUNKNOWN!!!:Lebanese Cedar  i think-- looks like diahreaHookah Duck, i will trade you some Al Amir Banana Split for some Al Amir Caramel Apple, and some Tangiers- you pick the flavor (other than apple) for your Tangiers coolinganything else you wanna tradeCaterpilla, id like to trade with you too if you like send me a pm- i want your fumari white peach!
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Tangiers is availible on hookahcompany.comI should have stated that I would like to keep shipping within the continental US. Sorry for not saying that sooner. Shipping will be from/to 89129 in Las Vegas, NV.Please post only the tobacco that you are willing *send* a sample of at least 50-100 grams. Yash- Awsome man, please PM me when you have it availible!crepenchicha- I would really like a sample of GAF - Esk. Apple, Romman Grape, and Tangiers Root BeerHookahCaterpillar - Fumari Blueberry, Al Amir Cola, and Nakhla Chocolate Mint sound awsome[lebanese_blonde] - I'd be happy to accept. I've always wanted to try Banana split. You'll be happy with Caramel Apple, its one of my favorites. I'd take some Tangiers Black Thorn in return for the cooling. I would also really like to try AF Cappucino and AF Grape if possible. Please let me know what/if else you are interested in. Anyone- please PM me with any questions or requests. I'll do my best to accomodate! And as a matter of courtesy, I'd appreciate the reviews I send out to be reviewed at your convenience to help build our database.
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I've got the following, although it's nowhere as diverse as everyone else.  It's all Al Amir, I've only gotten samples of other brands thus far.  Let me know if anyone wants to sample any of these; I'm hoping to try out some AF and Tangiers.Double AppleMangoVanillaGrapeWatermelonCaramel AppleStrawberry KiwiI also have a small amount of Starbuzz Watermelon that I'm not going to use.  There's about 20-25g there, enough for a 1 bowl.  It's fresh, only had it a few days.  I don't care for it compared to the AA watermelon.
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um..50 to 100g's can add up pretty fast sample wise if you only have a 250g. box. In the past we've just made sure it was enough to smoke a bowl or two to decide if it was something we liked and wanted to buy, not necessarily enough to make it a regular smoke on the trade alone.
If folks want to trade for more thats cool too mind you but you may want to arrange amounts ahead of time to avoid confusion or hard feelings.
Do we need a new thread? "what i am willing to trade" ?
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[quote name='HookahCaterpillar']Watermelon(fumari)

White peach(fumari)

Passion fruit(fumari)



Black cherry(fumari)


Exotic mango(nahkla)

Cola(al amir)

Rasberry(al amir)



Chocolate mint(nakhla)



Sweet melon(nakhla)

Some of the shisha i have is going to be really hard for me to part
with but if the right trade comes along ill be willing to trade.  [/quote]So what happened to that Tangiers you didn't smoke?
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I'm looking to try Starbuzz, Al Amir, Al FakherI'll trade a couple bowl's worth of:AA Carmel AppleAF Golden StrawberryAW LemonNakhla El Basha GrapeTangers:MelonVanillarootbeerraspberrychocolatePeachKashmir Appleif anyone is interested, PM and list what you have that I want (see 1st sentance) Again only a couple bowls worth, I don't want to part to much of my stash =)
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