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New mini hookah

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My local smoke shop just got a few of these in. It stands around 14 inches from base to stem, has a clear frosted base, threaded solid chrome stem, purge valve, interesting bowl, and a Mya-esque washable mini hose.I wanted a hookah that would easilly fit on my desk for short solo sessions when Im doing homework and the like. This thing fits the billI payed 30 bucks for the whole set up. Seems like a decent price to me. He had the mini's which social smoke offers (The junior modern) for the same price, but I havent seen these before so I went with it.The thing is rock solid, weighing in around 4-5 pounds- which really impressed me. Supprisingly, I found that the base is threaded on to the stem. The threads are stainless on both ends and grip very well. Im not sure if you can tell from the pictures, but the stem actually fits perfectly into the center hole and the smoke is drawn through the little holes surrounding it. Interesting idea. It should be noted however that it was difficult to find where the water level should be in order to adequatly filter the smoke yet not let it find its way into my mouth. About a 1/2 inch above the down pipe seems to work best.I've never seen the bowl before either. Its quite thick and weighs probably 3/4 of a pound on its own.The hose (which is much like a smaller verison of a MYA) draws nearly as well as its big brother, and appears to be washable.Im about to try my first bowl in it... I also picked up some Nakhla orange (heard good things about it... but im always nervous when it comes to Nakhla.), and a box of bulk natural charcoal. This will be my first experiance with natural charcoal, so I'll let you know how it goes.Have any of you ever seen these somewhere else?[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v495/Chevy72blu/picture071.jpg[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v495/Chevy72blu/picture069.jpg[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v495/Chevy72blu/picture072.jpg[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v495/Chevy72blu/picture073.jpg[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v495/Chevy72blu/picture074.jpg[/img]
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Very cool purchase, congrast man!

How heavy is the silver stem? If the stem weighs alot, I'd be afraid of
yanking it over on accident, as in picture 3 it looks to be a tad on
the top-heavy side. What do you think though? Seeing as how you can
actually hold it in your hands and have a better feel for it.

Very cool regardless.
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its actually quite stable. I was worried about this too, but when wiggled from the top, it doesnt really want to go over unless you're trying.I only plan on using this guy alone anyway, but, it wouldnt be difficult to yank over because of the short hose.My full size MYA hose fits in it and works fine however
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hey hookahduck...ive exactly owned two of those exact same hookahs which i acquired for a lil bit more than u did....overall a good small hookah me and my buddies had countless sessions with them and enjoyed them very much.....yet i still wouldnt put it in the category of a say a stargate or other top of the line piece.......the stem is detailed like u said...but always seemed cheap to me....the metal its made out of doesnt seem ver durbale to me....the vase itself is good though...nice size..can fill with a good amount of smoke.......i had the same bowl just it was a green and not as bright....congrats on ur purchase though i hope all works out for u.....oo i knew there was a reason this wasnt my favorite quality hookah and i just remembered....the part on top of the vase that screws the stem on actually came detached from the vase on BOTH of mine....its glued to the top of the base and is obviously glued with a very week glue..i probably got no more than 8 sessions in before this happened so be very careful with that portion of the hookah....well congrats again..and happy smokin..o and let us know how the nakhla orange works out
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hey hookahduck...ive exactly owned two of those exact same hookahs which i acquired for a lil bit more than u did....overall a good small hookah me and my buddies had countless sessions with them and enjoyed them very much.....yet i still wouldnt put it in the category of a say a stargate or other top of the line piece.......the stem is detailed like u said...but always seemed cheap to me....the metal its made out of doesnt seem very durbale to me....the vase itself is good though...nice size..can fill with a good amount of smoke.......i had the same bowl just it was a green and not as bright....congrats on ur purchase though i hope all works out for u.....oo i knew there was a reason this wasnt my favorite quality hookah and i just remembered....the part on top of the vase that screws the stem on actually came detached from the vase on BOTH of mine....its glued to the top of the base and is obviously glued with a very week glue..i probably got no more than 8 sessions in before this happened so be very careful with that portion of the hookah....well congrats again..and happy smokin..o and let us know how the nakhla orange works out
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yea that should work fine....wat was the problem with ur stargate exactly? i have a 32'' nickel one which i dont smoke from (i know crazy) and im thinking of buying a medium sized one but im exploring my options..such as the nemesis from hookahhookah or perhaps a mya or spider? wat broke on ur stargate?
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