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Natural Coal : 1, Hookahduck : 0

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I just had my first natural charcoal experiance.This is the stuff Im using..[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v495/Chevy72blu/picture078.jpg[/img]which I purchased at my local smoke shop for $12.00.Im using a gas stove and a tray to light it. The tray used to be a carburator parts cleaning tray (which was dipped in solvent)- I soaked it in really hot soapy water for around an hour, paper towled off the residue, then let it sit on top of my burner for several until the entire thing was near red hot to make sure no chemical residue was left.I used 3 or 4 chunks of differet sizes, heating them until they were all bright red and ashed. I think I let them heat too long, as they actually began to catch fire. I blew them out, but it left a brownish color on the exterior of the ash:[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v495/Chevy72blu/picture081.jpg[/img]It was difficult to get a decent smoke (Nakhla orange)- but perhaps thats because this is the first time I have used my new mini hookah. Strangely enough, I felt a light burning sensation in the back of my throat when I exhaled that im not used to. Again though, that could be due to the mini hookah not being able to cool the smoke as much. I either got used to this, or it went away later in the session.This was what my set up looked like:[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v495/Chevy72blu/picture076.jpg[/img]Does that look like too much or too little? I pulled the big chunk off right away when I felt the burning sensation- assuming I had too much heat. Later, I replaced the small chunks with the big one and got better results.This stuff lets off almost no smell(Thank god... the Golden smell makes me slightly nautious), and I could taste a different taste than what Golden's yield.I'll have to keep practicing with these. But MAN do they make a mess! There was little white ashes all over the place when I was done I think I'll stick to Goldens for quick solo sessions, and perhaps use the naturals when I have time for a lengthy set up.Can anyone give me some tips to make this process easier?
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Hm, that doesn't look like too much heat to me, but again thats just
me. I'm sure that pesky burning taste will go away. You are afterall
using a brand new hookah and also using coals you've never used before.
Takes time to get the hang of new things.

As for using those chunks, I suppose just try to keep them from getting
into the middle of the bowl. Try and keep them on the outter rim and as
you ash them, put them back on the bowl but rotated from their original

For as long as I can remember, I've never had good results when the
coal is in the middle of the bowl (using Nour Fingers). I just keep
them spaced out on the edge of the bowl, and keep rotating them around
the bowl. And if you're worried about not getting the tobacco in the
middle of the bowl, don't worry. Take a look at your burnt tobacco puck
after your sessiona nd you should see that everything gets cooked
evenly when keeping your coals on the perimeter.

I myself am not a big fan of the natural bulk. Sort of a pain to break
down, make a mess, and due to their odd shapes, make things mildly
difficult when smoking. Although the only natural bulk brand that I've
used was Nour
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yeah, the white ash really makes you appreciate a nice wide ash catcher.. like the one on my new syrian :-Di'm still experimenting with natural coals myself - i just got 3 kilos in yesterday with my hookah, and i've tried various things .  the ones i got come in the form of petrified tree branches :)the most effective thing i've found so far is to cut them up with a saw (i used a hacksaw but it was sort of annoying, i'm sure you could find a better type.  right now i'm smoking some tangiers with a single chunk of coal, approximately 1x1x1/2" (not exactly, it's far from cubic).  it's working pretty well, but i dunno yet.  the hookah experiments continue :)
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