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Nicotiana Rustica

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I would really like Eric our resident expert to weigh in on this one......

While researching something else entirely, I came across some information on Tobacco. Apparently originally tobacco came from a plant the scientists labeled Nicotiana Rustica. Here in the US, all tobacco is now harvested of a variety called Nicotiana Tobaciana. (I can't find the original reference materials so forgive me if my spelling sucks.) Nicotiana is a highly watered down relative of the original Nicotiana Rustica. Rustica supposedly being the more difficult to grow. I don't know about anyone else, but I would dearly love shisha made from the original Nicotiana Rustica. Supposedly it's much stronger and contains a great deal more resin. Eric, (or anyone else) does such a thing exists or could it be made? And would any other members of the forum be willing to try it if we could find someone who can manufacture it? Eric of course being the most obvious candidate....... Thoughts?


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QUOTE (voski @ Dec 10 2008, 07:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Um that shit fucks you up hardcore. I think it was used by shamans and such.

Being an honest to gods shaman of my nation (Cherokee) I can assure you we don't use Nicotiana Rustica. We won't even start to go into the other things that are used in dream ceremonies. To my knowledge the plant no longer exists at all in the US.

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QUOTE (QuiltedMaple @ Dec 10 2008, 07:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
They used this heavier tobacco for cleansing before a ritual. By they, I mean some group of people before they would take a heavier substance.



Thanks for the link! 9% nicotine? Well, I wouldn't sit alone and try it, however, considering that I'm pretty much immune to the levels of nicotine currently available (even Nakla and Tangiers give me no buzz at all), I'd still like to try it..... Any other takers?

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Ya, I had studied a little bit on this in the past when studying ethno-botanicals...found to be mildly hallucinogenic(all nicotine is technically) and as stated above, for purifying/cleansing.
Noticed it plays a big roll in "ancient" ayahuasca ceremonies.

I was considering making some shisha with it. I know mushrat had a buttload of it.
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At 9% nicotine, I would never even dream of smoking this stuff without it being basically bleached. It would have to be washed several times to get the nicotine content low enough so that it wouldnt sicken you. I would start with basic tobacco (nicotina commonus) then wash it only a few times. Stuff would still buzz you I'm sure.
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Yes I heard that it's very strong and also hallucinogenic. Apparently that's the stuff that Sherlock Holmes smoked when figuring out one of his famous cases in Sir Doyle's novels. Who said English Lit was useless? tongue.gif
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The thing is no one has (to my knowledge) ever actually tested the amount of nicotine you inhale. What's present in the plant may not entirely be released. It may be that only a certain portion of it can be released. Originally from what I've been researching tonight all tobacco was mixed with other things (no, not what you're thinking), just other herbs so that only about 1/3 of the mixture was from the tobacco plant itself. So perhaps it's possible you'd end up with a 6% result overall. Here's where the experts would have to weigh in.

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...I am EXTREMELY intrigued by this. I have been wanting to get into making shisha for a couple of months now but I can't find any legitimate information on techniques or a legitimate website to buy tobacco. I'm not talking about rolling tobacco, I'm talking about whole tobacco leaves, dried or undried.

Hell, I've contemplated trying to grow my own tobacco but I have no idea how to go about doing that...and I live in an apartment with a small patio. hehe

If any experienced tobacconist could make this or tell me where to find some information on it, I would try it in a heart beat.
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QUOTE (ColibriDon @ Dec 11 2008, 04:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hell, I've contemplated trying to grow my own tobacco but I have no idea how to go about doing that...and I live in an apartment with a small patio. hehe

have you even thought about searching on google?
i just typed in 'how to grow tobacco' and enough stuff came up.
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QUOTE (mushrat @ Dec 11 2008, 07:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Thanks for the thread Mush. Nice to know I haven't totally lost my mind. I wouldn't even think of trying to make my own shisha from it because I've never made shisha before and it would be a waste I think. But damn, I'd sure like Eric to try! Or anyone else with experience making their own.

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QUOTE (chinamon @ Dec 11 2008, 12:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ColibriDon @ Dec 11 2008, 04:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hell, I've contemplated trying to grow my own tobacco but I have no idea how to go about doing that...and I live in an apartment with a small patio. hehe

have you even thought about searching on google?
i just typed in 'how to grow tobacco' and enough stuff came up.

haha I was more referring to the fact that I have an apartment with a tiny patio. Finding information on how to grow the plant will be easy, actually growing it in a planter on my patio will be a little tougher. Couple that with the fact that I know NOTHING about growing anything.

To answer your question, yes, I have thought about doing it. I wasn't asking how, I was just stating a fact.

*Edited for redundancy* Edited by ColibriDon
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QUOTE (ColibriDon @ Dec 11 2008, 11:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chinamon @ Dec 11 2008, 12:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ColibriDon @ Dec 11 2008, 04:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hell, I've contemplated trying to grow my own tobacco but I have no idea how to go about doing that...and I live in an apartment with a small patio. hehe

have you even thought about searching on google?
i just typed in 'how to grow tobacco' and enough stuff came up.

haha I was more referring to the fact that I have an apartment with a tiny patio. Finding information on how to grow the plant will be easy, actually growing it in a planter on my patio will be a little tougher. Couple that with the fact that I know NOTHING about growing anything.

To answer your question, yes, I have thought about doing it. I wasn't asking how, I was just stating a fact.

*Edited for redundancy*

Common tobacco will grow almost anywhere. It's grown in the highest reaches of Iran, Turkey, and in the deserts of Egypt. It's grown in planters and on farms. Anywhere invasive plants can grow, tobacco can grow just as well. A tiny patio planter will do just as well as anywhere else if you take the right care of it and choose the right strain.
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