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QT MYA S-Class & C-Class

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Mr. Badawi,Your helpful response is much appreciated. As a new member of the hookah community I'm very excited to experience first-hand and share with others the reputed quality of Myasaray products.I'm not so worried about obtaining for myself the style hookah I want -- now that I know there are options available, I'll be sure to take them into consideration in placing my order. But it does seem to me a shame that most people will have no way of knowing all that Myasaray has to offer. I understand that you're trying to give that benefit to distributors, but I don't know of any hookah vendors in my area and like many others am limited to online shopping. Browsing online stores such as hookah-shisha.com and the eBay vendors, I don't recall coming across anything that wasn't also available at myasaray.com. From what I've seen and heard, Mya seems to make such fine quality products that, if they're not all being clearly offered to the consumer public, it's both a shame and, I would think, a missed opportunity to further improve business. But then again, I know nothing about running any kind of business Thanks again for the response -- I'm really looking forward to ordering my first Mya hookah!
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hey, my mya bohemian loosend up near the bowl today and came apart, I got it to go together but where it screws in just below where the head goes on the threading was broken on part of it,  the threads have a chip so that it doesnt screw on as well as it would normally onto the inner stem. I was wondering if theres a replacement for that?
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There is also an M-Class SUV...you could make a really large hookah and call an M-Series...then you could advertise "The hookah big enough to transport your family for a picnic."No, maybe that wouldn;t work.
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I went today...I was going to take a look around.  As soon as I walked in the door I knew I wasn't leaving empty handed.  I met Mahmoud, though I forget the other gentlemans name (I'm so sorry man!).  These are great people, so helpful, and I had a pretty good chat with them.  I bought an E-Class QT with a dark blue vase.  Then we went and found some tobacco at a Persian Market. I'm working on my first bowl out of my new little friend. I love it. My friend also bought a hookah, but she custom made a slightly larger one.  For the quality of these pieces (she owns other hookahs, I deferred to her more than once) the prices seemed great to me.  And no, I'm not affiliated with these guys in any way.
I'm so excited. I have double apple and caramel to try still!!!
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